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Paul grabs your hand and tries to lead you away. You fight free and rush off into the greenery, desperate to find Ringo and apologise. You didn't really DO anything wrong, but you have a hunch the other lads aren't going to apologise themselves.

You yank your hand out of Paul's grasp and speed off into the tropical, green foliage. You hear Paul, John and George calling after you, but you ignore them and carry on running.

Ringo is nowhere to be seen. You stop to peer up at the trees, under rocks and boulders, even in a hollow log that's resting nearby.

"Maybe he's further ahead," you think then start running again.

The ground you're running on slowly begins to dip downwards, do it feels like you're running down a ramp. It doesn't bother you too much so you press on. Then the slope becomes really steep so you're practically digging the soles of your shoes into the muddy turf.

"Ugh, and I wore my new suede pumps as well!" you moan.

You're still running at high speed.

Then you realise something.

The steep hill is no more a steep hill than a cliff.

And you're not so much running as you are falling.

And you're not so much running down a steep slope as you are falling off a cliff.

Hang on...

You really ARE falling off a cliff!

You die.


(Go back and choose another adventure!)

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