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"All right, let's follow it," you say, picking up the paddle and pursuing the dolphin.

After a long time of paddling, sweating, and cursing (mainly from John), the dolphin leads you to a small island. It pushes the little lifeboat with its nose until you reach the white sandy shores. It's a miracle! A baby dolphin led you to a beautiful desert island!

"Thank you, little fella," you say, stroking its precious little head.

The dolphin chirps, waves its flipper at you, bats George on the head with said flipper, then disappears into the tide.

"What a nice creature," you say.

"He was a bit snotty, if you ask me," says George, rubbing the back of his head. "Bow what are we going to do?"

"Discover a new continent!" John cries, leaping out of the boat. He clambers onto the sand and poses like he's posing for Mr Universe or something. "I declare this island the Land of Lennarnia! Everything the light touches is my domain, and smelly peasants can't set foot on it!"

"Oh boy," Paul says, rolling his eyes and climbing out of the boat.

"Oi! Smelly peasant! Back in the boat! This is my turf!" says John.

"Shut up, John. You're so immature." Paul looks around the island. "Hmm, looks like we may be stuck here for a while."

"A while?" George says, also climbing out of the boat, causing it to jolt violently.

Ringo groans and sticks his head back into his sick bucket. You pat him sympathetically on the shoulder then assist him with getting onto solid ground.

"We need to look for shelter, food, and water," Paul says, taking charge because he's good like that. "Let's split up. John and Ringo, you guys look for food and water. George and I will work on the shelter."

You glance at Paul, then you glance at John. You need to go with one of them as you prefer not to be on your own.

If you choose to look for food and water with John and Ringo, go to Eight.

If you choose to look for shelter with Paul and George, go to Nine.

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