Chapter 26

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"Guys?" I mumble quietly. All three of them turn towards me.

"Yea?" Michael asks when I stay silent.

"I-I." I take a deep breath and let it go before continuing. "I know you guys are worried about me and I don't want you to be so...d-do you still have that c-card?"

Michael raises an eyebrow. "The therapists card?" Ashton asks and I swallow thickly, only nodding.

They all seem surprised but they all smile brightly and it makes me feel slightly better.

Calum gives me a hug and I bury my face in his neck. I'm only doing this for them.

"How soon can she get here?" I ask and Michael scrambles up to get the card.

"I can give them a call now and see when her closest appointment is." Michael rambles and I give him a small smile.

Turns out she can be here in 2 hours.

So now I'm just sitting across from her, looking anywhere but at her. She has a clipboard in her lap and she keeps tapping her fingers against it.

The boys were downstairs in the living room, letting me have my little session. She started tapping her pen against the clipboard now and she sighed.

"So Luke, why don't we start with how you're feeling about this whole situation."

I tap my fingers against my leg and my leg bounces up and down.

"Well...I'm upset, and scared. Worried. Annoyed."

"Why?" She asks.

"Why am I upset? Or worried, you have to be more specific." I tell her.

"Why are you annoyed?"

" life was okay but then he came in and ruined everything. Like...what did I ever do to him? I don't even know who he is for gods sake." She nods along and scribbles something down. I try to peek but I can't see.

"I think I understand why your scared but why are you worried? Or upset?" She asks kindly.

"I'm worried...because I don't want the boys to get hurt because of this guy that's after me. I don't want them to worry about me either." I say slowly. She nods and scribbles some more stuff down.

"And your upset because...?" She trails off.

I raise an eyebrow. "Well it may have something to do with the crazy man after me." I say sarcastically. She doesn't seem fazed but nods, writing again.

"I understand that. But it seems something else is bothering you?" She asks and pushes a piece of hair behind her ear.


"Is there something else?"

"Yea." I mumble. She nods, encouraging me to go on. "I see him sometimes." I whisper.

She raises an eyebrow and I continue. "Like hallucinations? I don't know what it is but it feels so real and then I have this moment of, like waking up. But it turns out I was never sleeping. But that's also another problem, I can't sleep. I stay up almost all night."

She writes fast and looks up to me when she's done. "Do you have insomnia?"

I shake my head. "No I could sleep if I wanted, falling asleep isn't my problem, it's staying asleep that is." She nods.


"I see him in my dreams too. Only it's more like a repeat of what happened but every time I sleep I have a nightmare about him. And that's not the part that scares me the most."

"What scares you the most? That your dreams will become a reality again?"

"No. It's that I can't wake myself up. Usually when I'm dreaming I can wake myself up, like I know I'm dreaming, but I don't know when I'm dreaming anymore and most of the time I don't wake up. I usually start screaming and that's what wakes me up."

She writes down, I'm assuming what I've been saying, maybe writing down what could possibly be wrong with me.

"I'm gonna prescribe you something to help with the hallucinations and some sleeping pills that will make you sleep lighter." I nod.

"But in the meantime I want you to get some rest and I don't want you leaving the house." I sighed but nodded.

"This was good, I'll be back, say Saturday? That's two days from now."

I just nod and she gives me a smile. When she walks past, she pats my shoulder.

But before she leaves she turns back to me. "What you've gone through Luke, it's traumatic, you're actually taking it very well. What you're experiencing is normal."

I just nod and she gives me another smile before leaving.

Well that went sorta well.

Hey hey hey! How are you my fine people?

I just got back from doing some community service with my school :p

I also made a new friend...sorta.

38 votes and 15 comments for the next update.

Stay lovely🌹


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