Chapter 23

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I sigh again, laying my head in Calum's lap. I was exhausted, I didn't get much sleep last night, every time I closed my eyes, he would be there.

Calum ran his fingers through my hair, he had small bags under his eyes and I felt bad, it was my fault. The boys stayed up almost all night trying to comfort me back to sleep, only to fall asleep themselves after I did, just to be woken up a few hours later again by my screaming.

"Are you tired?" I mumbled, running my fingers over the bags under his eyes.

He gave me a small smile, "Not as much as you are, I can handle it, you look like you're the walking dead." I chuckled and let my eyes close.

"That reminds me, when does the walking dead come back on?" I ask and I hear him giggle.

"October, now get some sleep." He mumbles, I keep my eyes closed, humming to acknowledge I heard him. But I don't want to fall asleep. Every night it's the same.

After 10 minutes of me just sitting there I sigh loudly again. "I can't fall asleep." I mumble, getting up.

I look over to see Calum, with his head back against the wall, snoring lightly. I smile and carefully lay him down on the couch so his neck doesn't hurt when he wakes up.

"I'll just occupy myself."

I run my fingers along the walls as I just walk around the giant manor. I study and memorize every room and every corner, counting the number of windows. I sigh after I've basically explored the entire house. I even got bored after playing in my little hide outs, the little secret passages, still bored out of my mind.

I plop down in one of the chairs and close my eyes, leaning back and rubbing the side of my head, sighing loudly as I do.

"Why am I so bored?" I mumble to myself.

"There was...a our town." I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, trying to block out the voice, it was like a whisper in the back of my head.

"And he was...wondrous wise,
He jumped into...a bramble-bush,
And scratched...out both his eyes;" I breathed heavily as the voice sounded like it was getting louder. Why couldn't I get his voice out of my head?

"And when...he saw his eyes were out,
With all...his might...and main,"

"Shut up , shut up." I mumble to myself, pressing my fists to my head and pulling my hair slightly.

"He jumped...into another bush
And scratched...them in again."

It was like he was breathing by my ear. I could still feel it, like it was yesterday. I waited for my breathing to go back to normal before opening my eyes.

"" My eyes were wide open in horror. He was here, he was right in front of me. I let out a blood curdling scream and I heard multiple pairs of footsteps.

I scooted into the corner and blinked away the tears, he walked towards me slowly and I kicked my feet, trying to get him to stay away.

He grabbed my foot and yanked, dragging me to the middle of the room. I squeezed my eyes shut and just kept kicking.

"Luke! Luke!"

"No! No no please just leave me alone! Ashton! Calum! Michael! Help please!" I screamed.

"Luke!" I snapped my eyes open, and there they were, all three of the boys, with some of the officers. Ashton was holding me as I cried.

"It's okay baby we're here now." I looked around the room and sure enough there was no crazy guy there.

"I-I must of fallen asleep when I was sitting in the chair." I mumbled and they all shook their heads, with wide eyes.

" weren't sleeping." Calum says.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask shakily.

"You were awake, you just started screaming and thrashing around but you were awake. And when Ashton tried to grab you, you started screaming again and calling...for us." Michael explained.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Luke...maybe you need to talk to someone. We don't know what to do and this is just getting worse." Ashton whispered.

"I still have the number." Michael muttered.

I glared at them, were they serious? Okay...maybe I hadn't been sleeping very well lately, and maybe...I'm starting to hallucinate now...but I was not going to talk to someone about it, unless it was one of the boys.

"No. Absolutely not. I'm not going to talk to some random person about my problems." I said, getting up from Ashton's lap.

"Luke, it's for-"

"No. I'm not going to. Don't waste your money." I grumble before walking out of the room.

"We're just scared for you." I hear Calum mumble, I probably wasn't supposed to hear that...but I did.

"I'm scared for me too." I whispered to myself as I walked down the hall, going somewhere where I could just be alone.

Poor poor Lukey :(

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Stay lovely🌹


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