Chapter 19

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It was terrible. Days. Weeks. The only way to tell another day passed was when the boys and my family showed up and then left again.

But it got better. I was slowly gaining control of my body again. I would twitch my fingers and toes, squeeze my hand into a fist but no one ever saw.

"It was just your imagination."

"It was a reflex, remember what the nurse said?"

All I could do was fight as much as I could to wake up.

But I didn't see that happening anytime soon, if I had counted right, it had been 2 weeks. Maybe a little over that.

"So then Michael hit the guy and got suspended. Ashton had to stay back and boy was he mad. So yeah it's just me today. Your parents wanted to stop by but they already missed too much work." Calum stroked my hand and I just focused on the feeling.

It was quiet for a few minutes before he sighed. "Ashton and Michael told me not to get my hopes up...that you might not wake up, but I know they're just like me, they're hoping too. And I know the nurse said it was a reflex...but I know you can hear us and that your just trying to say something. I miss you and I'm gonna keep coming back, for the rest of my life if I have to. I love you." He leans down to kiss my hand and I hear a small sniffle. I want to wake up, I want to open my eyes. I try again but still nothing.

So I squeeze his hand as tight as I can, which isn't very much. I hear him laugh but I can still hear the tears in his voice. "See. I know you can. Every time I talk about it you respond. And I think that it could help you...wake up I mean." I squeeze his hand again and he lets out a little giggle. "I love you Luke." He whispers and I love the way my name falls from his lips.

I love you too. Why is something so easy, so hard for me to do? I just want to tell him, let him know I love him too, that I love all of them.

I love you. I love you I love you. I love you! I just want him to hear it. I can say it so many times in my head but he still can't hear it.

"Ashton wanted me to meet him at his house later, but that means I have to leave now and I really don't want to. Visiting hours end in 10 minutes so why not stay right?" I love how he voices his thoughts when he's talking to me, just so he can talk to me. It helps me, distracts me from the darkness that is my life now. He talks about everything and nothing all at once and I've never felt so close to him. It's like over the past weeks, I've learned so much about all of them, just by the things they talk to me about.

He continues to tell me about anything remotely interesting that's happened in the day I haven't seen him. But when I hear the door open, I squeeze his hand again. I really don't want him to leave. "Visiting hours are over." A nurse says.

"Yea, I'll be out in 2 more minutes, please." Calum says, not really asking but telling. The nurse mumbles an okay and shuts the door. I like that nurse, she was better than the other one.

"I love you Lukey, I'll be back tomorrow and Ashton and Michael should be with me. I'm pretty sure your parents said they would be here on Thursday." He kisses my forehead than seems to realize something. "So just two more days." He says, figuring I wouldn't know what day it was, seeing as I was in a coma.

I love you too.

I so badly wished he could hear me.

"Bye..." He says, hanging back for a second, like they all did, everyday, hoping I would answer them back. But I never did, I would try, but I never did.

He sighs and I hear the familiar squeak of the door opening and closing.

"" It was just below a whisper, I barely heard it, and I said it.

It was like a wall breaking. I suddenly could feel my body.

"I too." I said louder, barely above a whisper.

I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light. I saw the white ceiling, and tried to sit up unsuccessfully.

"Calum." I mumbled, just wanting him back.

"Calum. Calum!" My door opened and a nurse walked in, gasping as she saw me.

"Your awake!" She said and I instantly recognized her voice, she was the nice one.

"Calum." I whimpered and she quickly scampered off.

A doctor came back soon after, coming over to me to check me over.

"What?" I heard echo down the hall as my door slowly swung shut from the wind.

My eyes started to get heavy again, getting harder to hold up. I tried to fight it but it wasn't working.

The door swung open again and there stood Calum.

" you too." I mumble before my eyes slip shut again. But I didn't miss the brightest smile I've ever seen break across his face before my eyes closed completely.

Sorry it's been such an emotional roller coaster the last few chapters but it shall get better.

35 votes and 10 comments for the next update.

Stay lovely🌹


|If You Love Me|✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora