Chapter 1

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I make sure to put my bracelets on before heading off to school even though I had used cover up to cover the marks. I learned the hard way that people don't like me when they find out I have 3 soulmates.

I had to move schools two different times luckily I still got to stay in Sydney. I didn't really think I was that 'special' anymore. More like freak. At least that's what everyone tells me, so I guess after a while I just started believing it myself.

So now I hide the fact that I have 3 soulmates, I always tell people I don't have one. That I'm soulmate less.

I hide behind long sleeves and bracelets.

"Bye mom! Love you!" I yell before heading to school. I get in my car and smile, I had just turned 16 and also just gotten my license. I've only been driving for a week but it still brought me joy to know I didn't have to walk home anymore.

I pulled up to the school and parked. I got out and admired my work. It was only slightly crooked. Slightly.

I heard the 5 minute bell and ran to my first class. The teacher said to write down the notes on the board so I take my seat and immediately take my notebook out, trying to make it look like I'm doing my work.

I just doodle until there's 20 minutes left of class, then I quickly jot down as much as I can, or what I think I'll need.

I rush to my second class and hold in a groan when the two 'besties' walk in.

I swear they're soulmates but no one is brave enough to ask, they don't really show a lot of 'couple' affection besides holding hands and the occasional kiss on the cheek or a hug in the hallway. But who knows, they could just be really close friends.

I don't know why I don't like them, wait yes I do, it may have something to do with the fact that they're stuck up little hoes. Maybe, but who knows?

Calum takes a seat next to me while Michael sits on the other side of him. I just go back to doodling in my book, occasionally writing down some lyrics that pop up in my head.

I can feel eyes on me so I look up, only to see everyone's doing some form of work. I frown but go back to doing nothing.

I get this weird feeling in my stomach and can't quite place it. It's like I'm excited or scared but I'm just sitting in class. I get sorta jumpy and suddenly have the urge to talk to the idiots next to me. I brush it off and actually start working so I can get my mind distracted.

When the bell rings I quickly get up and rush out the door but I get the feeling of being watched again and look up to see Michael and Calum staring at me.

I quickly jog down the hall. Like how creepy can you get? Didn't they ever learn that it's not nice to stare?

I quickly open my locker but it gets slammed shut suddenly and I practically jump 5 feet in the air. I turn around, scared but glare when I see it's just Niall.

"What the hell dude? You gave me a heart attack!" He just chuckles.

"That was the point." I shake my head and lightly punch his arm.

Niall was my best friend, my only friend really, other than Harry and both their soulmates but I wouldn't know Zayn and Louis if it weren't for them.

Speaking of, I see Zayn coming down the hall and he grins when he sees Niall. "Boy toy at 5 o'clock." I say and Niall quickly turns around and smiles when he sees Zayn.

"I'll see you at Lunch?" He asks and I nod before he quickly goes off, probably to make out, with Zayn.

I just shake my head and walk off to find Harry and Louis, they actually went to their classes.

My day passed by pretty normally after that. Boring.

Until after school when I was walking to my car and was suddenly dragged to the back of the building and pushed into the side of the school.

I tried to hit my attacker, because who drags people somewhere secluded unless they're going to...
1.) Beat them up
2.) Rob them
3.) Do sexual things with them.

I didn't want any of those things from anyone in this school so I tried screaming and kicking. I was shoved against the wall and was face to face with Michael Clifford.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked behind him to see Calum. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall.

"If your going to beat me up, make it quick because I have to be home soon." I said quietly, closing my eyes, just waiting for the first hit.

I heard a giggle then someone started laughing. I opened my eyes to see them both laughing now. Bastards.

"You think we're going to beat you up?" Calum asked and I nodded.

"Why else would you drag me back here where no one can see us?"

"Maybe we wanted to have some fun." Michael said and chuckled at my expression. My face paled and my eyes went wide.

"W-what?" I asked shakily.

"Mikey stop scaring him. He's just joking." A new voice said and walked towards me. I'd never seen this kid before. He had curly dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.

I backed up against the wall as far as I could. I didn't want to talk to these guys. I didn't like them, and I didn't know this new kid that had appeared out of no where.

"T-then what do you want?" I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. I needed to act like they didn't affect me.

The new boy walked towards me and lightly touched my face. "Your names Luke?" He asked gently and I just nodded.

"My names Ashton and I'm sure you know Michael and Calum." I just nodded again. He grabbed my arm carefully and looked at all my bracelets.

He raised an eyebrow but slowly started pushing them up so he could see my wrist. I tried pulling my arm away but that just caused him to grip my arm harder.

When he had finally moved all my bracelets aside he looked at my 'clear' wrist in confusion. Thank god I had used cover up today.

"Where's your soulmate mark?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing together.

I took a deep breath. I willed myself not to stutter and keep a straight face as I said, "I don't have one, I don't have a soulmate." They all gasped and Ashton quickly let me go.

"I'm so sorry! We thought you were someone else." Then he turned around and grabbed Calum and Michaels hand before rushing away.

I slid down the wall and let out a breath, wiping at the makeup on my wrist.

I stared at the initials and sighed in frustration.


The glow was going away and fading back to black but I now knew what this meant.

Ashton, I'm sure his middle name started with an F and his last name started with an I.

I knew Michael and Calum's full names, Michael Gordon Clifford and Calum Thomas Hood.

I'm pretty sure I just found my soulmates, and they now think I'm not theirs.

Crappy crappy crappy!

Sorry for this terrible first chapter, it's extremely boring, I know.

What do you think Luke should do? Should he confess or continue hiding his marks?

Stay lovely🌹


|If You Love Me|✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora