Chapter 20

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Stupid doctors.

Do I look like I'm in pain? No. So why...when I finally wake up, do they give me painkillers to knock me out again?

This time though I couldn't hear what was happening, I was just sleeping.

But when I woke up, I was a little scared. There were police officers waiting for me, and my family and the boys weren't any where to be found.

Every time I asked where they were, the police officers would just say that they were outside in the waiting room. It was the same conversation over and over again.

"Are they still out in the waiting room?" I ask.

"Yes, now can you tell me what your attacker looked like?"

"Do you think they could come in here with me?"

"Sir, they'll still be here when we're done, so please answer the question."

"Um, he was tall, a little taller than me and he had blonde hair, he was very muscular and one of his eyes was...scratched out. He-"

"Scratched out?" The officer interrupted and I sighed in annoyance. That's what I said, wasn't it?


"Okay, and can you tell us everything that happened, don't leave out any details." The man said, still scribbling down on his little notebook.

"Can I have at least one of the boys in here?" I asked quietly.

"It will be over soon, just tell us what happened." I sighed.

"Well I don't exactly remember everything but I can try my-"

"Just tell us everything you remember." He interrupted again and I glared at him, so did his partner.

Taking a deep breath, I began to tell him everything I could remember about the incident. It took forever and he kept asking me the same questions. I just wanted to see my family and my boys again.

Finally the officers partner put a hand on his shoulder to shut him up and turned to me. "You must be tired, that's enough for today. We'll be back later, how does that sound?"

I nodded, giving him a thankful look.
"Thank you, could you send my family in?" He nodded and they both left.

I sighed, closing my eyes. How could I be so tired after all the resting I've been doing? I heard the door open but kept my eyes closed, I was exhausted.

"Is he sleeping?" I heard Ashton whisper. I opened my eyes and smiled at the mass of people at my door.

My eyes started to fill with tears and I couldn't stop them from falling down my face. I was so happy to see them all again.

"Lukey?" Calum ran towards me and put his hand on my cheek. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He asked.

I shook my head and the others ran over. "I-I missed you all s-so much. I w-was so scared." They all cooed and put a hand on some part of me, my leg or my arm or my cheek, patting it to let me know they all were okay and so was I.

I grabbed Calum's face and smashed my lips on his, making him squeak in surprise. "I love you guys." I mumble and then Michael pulls my face towards him, kissing me sweetly as tears roll down his cheeks. Then Ashton kisses me and everyone starts crying.

My mom and dad pull me into a group hug than both my brothers.

We all just start talking, all of them wanting to see me smiling and talking. Just to convince themselves that this was real, that I was awake.

It wasn't long for that to end, as it was nearing dinner time, the nurse came in the room, the one I didn't like. "Visiting hours end in 20 minutes." There are groans and I smile, I only had to be here tonight and then tomorrow afternoon I was being released. "And there are two officers here to talk to you." She looks at me and I sigh.

"Send them in." I mumble and she nods, opening the door for the rest of them to leave. "They're staying." I state firmly and she sighs but let's it go.

The boys keep a hand on me at all times, Calum holds one hand while Michael holds the other, Ashton resting his hand on my knee.

The two officers from earlier come in the room and glance at everyone in it before looking to me. "This is your family I'm assuming?" The nice officer asks, that I learn is officer Robern.

I nod my head. "My family and my soulmates." I say and he smiles.

"Well that's good than, we have a few things to talk about." I nod and he pulls out a little book. "I just want you to look at these pictures and tell me if you recognize any of these men, okay?" I nod again and Michael and Calum let go of my hands to let me hold the book.

The officer flips to a certain page, all of them filled with mugshots. "Go ahead." He says and I look down, looking at all of their faces closely.

I flip through the pages, double checking when I don't see him anywhere. But on my second time through my eye catches a guy with brown hair, he's smiling and it sends chills down my spine. I cover half of his face and try to imagine his hair lighter. If I did, it would look exactly like the man I remember. "I-I think its him." I mumble and the boys rub my back.

"Are you sure?" The man asks when he sees who I'm pointing at.

"Yes." I mumble and his eyes go wide.

"Why?" I ask.

"This isn't good. Your not safe." He says and takes the book from me, showing his partner the mugshot.

"What do we do? If he's not safe?" My mom asks and the cops exchange glances.

"There's really nothing we can do, we could relocate him, put him in witness protection, but you wouldn't be able to go with him." My heart broke and tears filled my eyes again.

"If that's what it takes to keep him safe." My dad says, tears in his eyes while my mom starts to cry.

"N-no! I can't. I can't go alone." I say, my heart beating fast.

"Son you have to if you want to be safe, there's really no other way." Officer Robern says.

I shake my head and Ashton makes me look at him. "We all want you safe. You have to do this. Please baby." He whispers and my bottom lip trembles.

"I-I can't. I'm so scared. I can't do it alone." He gives me a sad smile and leans down, giving me a sweet kiss.

"I know baby, but we all want you safe."

My brother Jack comes over and holds me while I start to cry silently.

"You can't take me away from my family."

"He'll find you if you move with them." The mean officer says.

"We're not his family." Calum pipes up and everyone looks at him.

"I'm not leaving him. If he goes than so do I." He says as firmly as he can.

Everyone exchanged looks and the officers shrugged. "There's no problem with his soulmates going, in the mans mind, he killed Luke's soulmates." I shivered and the boys all gave me sympathetic smiles.

"We're here." They all whispered to me.

"So what do you say?" The mean officer asked. I looked up to my parents, then my brothers. They all nodded with sad smiles.

"He'll go, only if his soulmates can as well." My brother Ben spoke up for everyone, as my parents couldn't talk, they had lumps in their throats.

The officers nodded and Jacks grip on me tightens.

Why did I have to sacrifice so much?

"Take care of him." Jack mumbled to the three boys when he thought I couldn't hear.


So yea...that just happened.

35 votes and 12 comments for the next update.

Stay lovely🌹


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