Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

Rowen pulled her hands away, covering her mouth. She shook her head in disbelief.

"No." she whispered. Liam bowed his head. "Oh please, no."

"I'm sorry." his voice broke slightly. "I know what happened, every detail. I saw it... I know what they did to you."

"They?" Rowen wished she didn't ask. When Liam's eyes met hers, she knew. She knew what had happened without him saying a word.

"My..." Rowen shook her head, stopping him. He didn't need to say it, she didn't want to hear it if she was honest.

His own father... his father had raped her while she was unconscious. She had thought it was just one man, just Marcos that had done something to her. She shouldn't have been so stupid. She should have known that Enzo wouldn't have missed his opportunity to hurt her. Even if she wasn't awake for it.

But if he was sending pictures to Liam, he wasn't doing it to hurt Rowen. He had raped her, sent a photo to his son, he wanted to hurt Liam. To punish him for disobeying and keeping her around.

"How?" she sobbed. "How can you look at me knowing what you do?! I don't even know what happened and I can't look at myself!"

"No, Rowen please." Liam pulled her back against him, holding her there even when she fought back. "I don't blame you... I don't look at you any different!"

Rowen knew he was telling the truth, yet her mind was rolling around thoughts that were dark, sick and just as twisted as what had been done to her. Did he like knowing his father had raped her? Was he going to keep fucking her like he had been, the way she had liked it, knowing that she had been raped?

She knew he had a dark side, something that scared her and thrilled her at the same time. Would he let that side of him out to play now he knew she could handle being brutally raped? Would he try it, would he try to rape her like his father had?

Liam kissed the side of her head, repeating that he loved her while she cried once more. Did he truly love her? How could he? How could he love someone when he knew that they had been raped by his own father?

"I love you." Liam said, pulling her back once more. She shook her head. "Please Rowen, I love you. Nothing will change that, nothing! You can fight me, push me away, you've tried to do that in the past and I hunted you down. Don't think that I won't do it again. I didn't know what I was feeling then, and now I do know. Do you really think that i'm going to let you slip through my fingers now that I know I love you?!"

Rowen bit her lip, she tasted blood slightly before Liam scowled and gently pulled her lip from her teeth. She was so stupid. How could she think such horrible things about him? It was lucky that she had never said them aloud. Liam would not have taken them well.

"I love you too." she whispered.

"I'm not letting you go! I don't care what you... wait... what did you say?" Liam blinked rapidly, his brain catching up to his mouth. Rowen gave him a soft smile. How could she not love this man?

A man that came to save her, a man that as he put it, hunted her down. A man that loved her for who she was and not who she could be. A man that was dangerous, loving, sweet, funny, caring, loyal, trustworthy, dark and oh so beautiful. A man that was too good to be true.

Her man.

"I love you." she smiled, Liam leant forward watching her lips.

"Say it again." his eyes never left her lips.

Dangerous Love - Completed 1st DraftWhere stories live. Discover now