"Noo. Don't leave." You stuck your bottom lip out doing a puppy dog face. Roc laughed and shook his head.

"We gotta be patient Cid." He said licking his lips smiling at you. You rolled your eyes.

"Fine." You said moving to open the door.

"Nuh uhn." Roc said pulling you back. "We had a good night Ma. You not Finna end it with an attitude. Now let's try it again. Goodnight baby." He said low and sexy making you shiver and bite your lip.

"G-Goodnight" You said. He nodded and kissed your hand walked away. You walked into your house closing the door gently knowing damn well you wanted to slam it and throw a temper tantrum. You walked into your bedroom stripping outta your clothes putting them into the dirty clothes hamper.

"Be patient ? The fuck he mean be patient ?? 10 months nigga I've been nothing but patient."

You thought to yourself. You didn't wanna take the Man route and leave him because he wasn't giving you none. Because you really liked him. But man !!!

So even though it was wrong of you for the next couple of days you stopped talking to Roc for a minute. You felt as if you and him were 2 different people and wanted 2 different things.

** At the grocery store **

"Girl! The Cinnamon Rolls are right here !" You yelled to your Bestfriend pushing the basket in the direction of the cinnamon Rolls.

"Bro. Where the manager at ? Or a worker or somebody ? Why they not in the damn snack aisle??" She said only mad because You was right.

"Girl they gotta stay refrigerated 😑😑" you said looking at her like she was dumb..

" Whatever. Just grab the damn things." She said walking off. You laughed. Trying to catch up with her hitting somebody on accident with the cart.

"Ouch!" The person yelled.

"Oh! I am so sorry ! I was trying to catch up with my friend I wasn-" You locked eyes with Roc.

" Cidney .." He said eyes piercing into your soul.

" Hey." You said tucking your hands into your back pocket looking anywhere but at him.

" Long time no see ..." he said much attitude in his voice. " which is crazy because we were supposed to be in a relationship." He said sarcastically laughing.

You tried to walk off, not wanting to be in that uncomfortable position.

"Then you just walk away.? With nothing to say? You just play with my feeling for 10 months then drop me without an explanation and now your walking away." Roc said in a loud tone but not loud enough to capture anybody's attention. You turned growing tired of the whole situation.

" We want different things. We just two different people. I tried to see things your way and try to understand you but. I have needs. And I'd rather leave you then cheat on you." You said again trying to walk away.

"Is this about sex?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "So men get judged everyday for tryna fuck women on the first night and only wanting to fuck. But Me , I wanted our relationship to be about something other then sex. I wanted us to have a mental connection first. And then when we finally do have sex it'll be because we love each other not because we are attracted to each other physically. Can't Win For Losing." He pushed his cart away leaving your mouth hanging open.

Mindless Behavior (Rated R) ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now