"It's nice to meet you Camila what a beautiful name you have" Lauren said as she shook her hand I noticed that Lauren never took her eyes off of Camila my heart began to pound

"It's nice to meet you too Lauren was it?" Camila asked her as she gave me a worried glance I nodded my head silently "We need to talk" I said


I excused Camila and myself from Lauren and took Camila into another room. Upon closing the door I turned to Camila and noticed that she had a dazed and confused look on her face

"y/n who is that girl?" she asked her voice sounding a bit shaky

"Camila I told you she's-"

"No WHO IS SHE! WHO THE HELL IS SHE!" Camila screamed cutting my words off I ran over to her covering her mouth as I lifted her off of the ground "Stop fucking shouting so fucking loud! she can hear you calm down goddammit calm down!" I whispered harshly but my whisper was hardly a whisper at all Camila wiggled from my grasp and stood with her arms folded as a tear trickled down her cheek making me regret grabbing her so violently

"Camila i'm sorry but I need to explain please sit down" I begged Camilla stood her ground for a few seconds before sitting angrily on the bed she turned her glare to me

"Start explaining" she spat "Lauren is-" but before I could finish Lauren burst through the door attacking Camila "LAUREN STOP!" I watched helplessly as Lauren bit through Camilla's neck severing her main artery "Oh my god Jesus fuck! what did you Do !"

"NO, Camila!!!" I screamed as I woke from a cold sweat I quickly glanced around the room only to realize that I was alone and Lauren was gone my heart raced I began to feel really sick and jumped out of bed making to the bathroom just in time to vomit into the toilet. After I finished I staggered to the sink and stared at myself in the mirror my blue eyes were now pale in color as was my skin I felt like the life was being slowly sucked out of me. I glanced down at my watch 3:15 pm it read I had slept half the day away I sat on the sofa watching t.v when my phone rang the ringing pierced my ears with a loud humming crescendo causing me to wince in pain I slid my finger across unlocking the screen and answered

"yeah" I said weakly as I closed my eyes

"y/n I got your messages I was upset with you that's why I hadn't called you back... why'd you leave me again you promised you wouldn't"

"Camila, I'm sorry But I did what I thought was the right thing at the time I couldn't risk Shawn finding out that we kissed would break his heart if he ever found out so I knew the best thing for me to do was to get away for a while before he found out" I stated calmly my eyes still closed

"Are you ok? you sound horrible.. are you sick?" Camila asked in a worried tone

"No,No Camila I'm fine,I'm just a little nauseous that's all" I replied

"How stupid do you think I am? I've known you since we were children, I'm coming to see you i'll be there in 3 hours" she huffed

"No, Camila don't come here I- "


"Fuck" I whispered to myself as the dial tone from the other end pierced my ears

I ended up falling asleep on the sofa and woke up to a banging on the front door I quickly jumped up and ran to the door I wasn't wearing a shirt only Boxers and a sports bra as I ran to the door I grabbed my shirt another three bangs on the door startled me

Fallen (Lauren/You) G!P (ONGOING)Where stories live. Discover now