Bad News, Good News

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Omniscient POV

The whole waiting room erupted into cries. Black held his wife Aeriella as she let out a piercing cry, "Not my baby! My baby boy Cameron. Nooo!"

Tasia hugged Mac as tears silently rolled down his face. "I can't do this shit man!" He moved out of her embrace and punched a whole in the wall then stormed out the hospital.

Tasia and Nay tried comforting LaNiyah and Avery as they cried their hearts out.

"He's gone. He promised he wouldn't leave!" Avery cried out.

"He- he's dead. My brother's dead. C-Cam's dead" she said getting progressively louder. Tasia looked over to Cruz for help as he sat in the chair clenching his jaw.

"Cruz, help" Tasia said as she tried holding LaNiyah up who suddenly just became dead weight.

Cruz rushed over and pulled her into his chest before she could fall to the ground. He hugged her tight as she gripped his shirt in both of her fists.

"He's gone" she said in a whisper as Cruz rubbed her hair trying to comfort her.

They both stood there holding on to each other for dear life. They both needed each other right now. Tears fell from his eyes and in to LaNiyah's hair as he rested his chin on her head.

"Yo, did you just pee on yourself Ma" Armani asked Avery pointing to the puddle she was now standing in.

Everyone turned their attention towards Avery, when it all hit them at once. Her water broke.

"Oh my God, you're water just broke" Aeriella said walking over to her.
"Excuse me, can we get a wheelchair and a nurse. My daughter's water just broke" Black said to the receptionist.

"Avery? How are you feeling? Are you ok?" Nay asked, since Avery really hasn't reacted to her water breaking.

"Numb" was all she said as she stared out into the distance. Too much was happening all at once and it was too much for her.

"I'll call your parents" Nay said as the nurse came and wheeled her toward the elevator with Aeriella following behind.

"He's gone. He's supposed to be here"

Avery started to hyperventilate so the nurses rushed her into a room and hooked her up to a bunch of machines.

"Cam, you weren't supposed to leave!"

"Ms. Brown, I need you to calm down. You are putting a lot of stress on yourself and the baby."

It took a few minutes but Avery finally calmed down, once she realized what she was doing could hurt the baby.

"He promised he wouldn't leave us" she whispered as she looked at Aeriella.

All she could do was hug Avery and rub her hair, "I know baby. I know."

Little by little everyone made their way to Avery's room to check on her. Two hours had passed and she was finally fully dilated.

"Ok Ms. Brown, you are fully dilated and ready to push. Who's staying in the room"

Usually only two people can be in the room but under the circumstances they made an exception. LaNiyah, Avery's mother and Aeriella stayed in the room while everyone waited out in the waiting room.

After about a hour of pushing and screaming the room filled little cries. LaNiyah looked over at the nurse holding her nephew and all she could do was smile as a tear fell.

They waited a few minutes before allowing her to cut the umbilical cord. They laid the baby on Avery's chest for skin-to-skin contact.

After Avery and the baby bonded the nurse came and took him to weigh him and all that other stuff.

"He's 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21 inches long" the nurse said as everyone watched her and smiled.

"So Mommy, have we decided on a name for this handsome little boy" the nurse asked as she continued checking him.

"Yes, Carter Alexander Taylor" she said exhausted as she mustered up a smile.

"Strong name. I'm not going to swaddle him, just so you two can bond some more" she said laying Carter back on her chest.

"You did amazing baby" Avery's mother said as she kissed her forehead as Aeriella and LaNiyah agreed.

"You and my son created a beautiful baby. He would be so proud," Aeriella said trying not to cry but without much success, which only caused both Avery and LaNiyah to cry too.

LaNiyah was standing over by the window just staring at the city, when everyone walked in to the room.

"Shhh, Av is getting some rest. She's exhausted from everything. But she did a great job" Aeriella said holding Carter.

"His name is Carter Alexander Taylor" she said as Black walked over to her taking him from her.

Everyone stayed and spent time holding and loving on Carter. It was a bittersweet moment for them.

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