Talk To Me

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Cruz's POV

I was sitting on the steps as I watched Black pull into the driveway. Janae got out the car and I could tell that she was upset. As she got closer to the house she stopped in her tracks when she noticed me and looked confused at my presence. Her parents walked by saying hi to me and her mother mouthed 'thank you' and they went in the house.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hello to you too"

"Hi Cruz, now what are you doing here?"

I sighed and shook my head cause she know I hate that shit.

"To talk to you"

"Look, I am not in the mood for that right now" she said shaking her head, heading up the stairs but I grabbed her wrist. She looked down at me.


She sighed pulling her hand out of my grip. She walked over to the bench that was on their porch. Before getting up I ran my hands down my face, shaking my head. She's was being difficult as fuck.

I sat next to her as she looked out to the street with her arms crossed.

"What's up? What's wrong?"

"What are you talking about? Who said anything was wrong?" she glared at me.

I knew that she was putting up a front and I could tell that at any moment she was either going to blow up at me out of anger and cry.

"Janae, I know you. I can see it all on your face. And I got a next from Killa telling me to come over here and talk to you. Then not even 10 minutes later I get the same text from Black saying to meet yall here so I can talk to you. So what's up, talk to me."

"Why they think I want to talk to you?"

"Well you ain't talking to Av and them so I'm the next best thing" I smiled

She smirked and looked at me like 'nigga really' making me laugh.

"Even though you mad at me you know you can talk to me about anything. I'm always gon be here for you."

She shook her head, "look after today I don't even care about being mad at you or Cam. I'm over it and I'm sorry for blaming you for the accident."

"You don't got to apologize to me, I know you were just mad at the time and to be honest it was kinda my fault so you good"

"Now what happened with you and ya crew? Yall beefing and shit?" I asked throwing my arms in the air. When Killa texted me and told me they got into it I was not Av and them, I couldn't believe it cause they been riding wit each other for years.

"Avery want to run off at the mouth about how selfish I am and it's my fault that Cam couldn't stay for the show-"

"But I thought he was there"

"He was. That's what I mean she running off at the mouth. She didn't want to listen to me so I let her finish and she told how she really felt and Tasia and Nay felt the same way so I was like fuck them."

"But what they say that really pissed you off? Cause I know you. You ain't gon be this pissed about her just blaming something on you. She had to say something"

"She sat up there and said I was selfish and I don't care about anyone but myself. And that I always make it about me. And when I told her that I made Cam stay for the show for her, her face dropped to the floor cause she felt stupid. Like how they gon say I'm selfish, after all the shit I do for them. And I don't be doing it to throw it in they face I do it cause I want to cause I care about them. Like I do a lot shit for everyone else and be forgetting about myself but that's alright cause I'm gon go back to that cold hearted bitch that didn't give a fuck about nobody but herself, like I used to be."

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