"I'll have them drop you off at home, it's late." I said as I opened the door to the truck, waiting for her to get comfortable.

"Thank you for tonightㅡ" she said with a smile as I buckled her seatbelt.

"I really look forward to seeing you againㅡ and ㅡ I never got to properly thank you for that night. You were really brave I must say, it surprised me but it's attractive to me that you; such a beautiful and sensible woman can be so tough and brave at the same time. Thank you." I kept my face close to hers looking into her dark eyes.

"It was lovely seeing you again Yoongi." She whispered kissing my cheek dangerously close to my lips.
"Well, I'll see you soon" she said as she leaned back in her seat running her soft fingers where her lips had burned into my skin.

"Bye" she whispered just before I closed the door.

I stood there until I saw the truck drive away. Overwhelmed by the effect this woman had on me.


Thank God I was able to convince the driver to drop me off at my car.
I didn't even want to imagine my dad's reaction to some stranger dropping me off at home or Euhno's reaction, he is my dad's right hand man but he also had this obsession with me
He had this idea that we would somehow end up married just because it made sense how 'close' we were, or used to be.

I walked into the house to my father yelling at his men, as usual. I honestly have no idea how they could put up with his attitude and humiliation. He had a habit of belittling everyone and making sure everyone knew who he was.

I quickly and quietly walked up to my roomㅡwhen my father was mad I always tried avoiding him because he would go crazy and get triggered by everything when he was like this. My night had been too perfect to end with my father.

The following morning I stayed in all day, mostly because my dad ordered us to stay in. He was paranoid, he pretended to not be scared and he did a pretty good job at hiding it but I knew. He had hired more body guards and we were in some sort of lock down.

I wasn't sure exactly but I overheard him talking with Eunho about the same men he warned my mother and I about, they were coming after us.

What kind of maniacs would be crazy enough to come after my dad?

I kept thinking throughout the day feeling paranoid. Trying to understand that other people just like my father were out there.

After hours of overthinking and anxiety I was able to take a nap but just as I was going into a deep sleep I was abruptly woken up by shouting down the hall, it was my dad, again.

Lazily I stood up and hesitated on leaving my room, I felt uncomfortable, I always felt uncomfortable in this house but today I had a horrible gut feeling.
"Mom?" I walked outside and ignored my father's hysterical voice coming from his office.

I knocked on my parents' bedroom door before letting myself in. Confusion was the first thing I felt seeing my mom on the floor, I ran up to her side and it was then that I saw it, blood was pooling around her cold body.

My heart dropped to my stomach and I ran out into the hallway "Dad!" I shouted repeatedly my throat began to hurt.
Immediately he ran out of his office followed by his goons and ran into the bedroom stopping at the scene in front of them.

"Fuck! Now is not the time to deal with this bullshit!" he growled as he pushed me aside.
"Take her body out, now!" he yelled at the guys who stood in complete shock.

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