In the heat of the moment, I couldn't keep track of everything that was going on. It was like a sensory overload. I could hear his breathing, as if it were through a megaphone. The touches of his fingers traveling up my arm, his hair that brushed on my face as he was kissing me, and his god awfully hairy legs brushing against my clean shaven legs... It was all almost too much for me. Until that one moment. 

It was slightly painful. Here I was, this sort of little thing, and he wasn't overly huge, but he wasn't average. I dug my fingernails into his back, wincing. After a while, the pain had dulled and we got into a motion of love, kisses and just being close. I wasn't quite sure as to what exactly my parents were worried about. I wasn't dying or losing who I was. I actually felt like I was becoming a whole person. 

It was more than enough for me to come back, but maybe not as much as I had thought I'd be. It was a distinct possibility that I'd be different when I came back, but if anyone noticed, I would probably be embarrassed. Would he talk about it with his friends? What if I wasn't good enough? 

There was only one thing to stop my thoughts. His kiss. I could hear his breathing pick up faster as he half-assed kissed me. What was wrong with him? 

"A... Are you okay?" I finally asked. 

"Yeah," he said as he swallowed a lump in his throat. His forehead and upper chest started to get beads of sweat as I finally relaxed myself and got back into motion with him. Not too long after, I felt my body build up in heat. I bit my lip as I wrapped myself up in Jack and he let out a few soft grunts and hard thrusts. I winced and eeped a little bit as he spoke, half out of breath, "I'm sorry, Emily." 

I shook my head and smiled with a little laughter. "It's okay," I really don't know why he was sorry, exactly. He laid on top of me, kissing my shoulder as I stroked his hair. Everything seemed to be brighter. His scent had smelled of Axe and sweat. Sweet, but masculine at the same time. 

He finally rolled over, and looked to me. There were no words spoken between us, just eye contact. My mind was drawing a blank, but all I knew was that his eyes were the most beautiful thing in the world. I could look into them for hours. They were a normal brown, but tonight they seemed to have hints of green strung about in them. His hair was a slight mess, covering one eye, swooping across his forehead. 

There was nothing about this afternoon that wasn't perfect. All the tension of the past few weeks have gone away, and those weeks of talking to him, getting to know him, I just knew there was something different about this friendship. I was just too worried about what my parents would have thought about it. 

Jack had laid his arm over me, as he pulled the covers over us and nuzzled his nose into my neck. I got the shivers, but kissed the top of his head anyway. Was this really okay? Was this all I really needed? Just to be this close to him? What if it was a mistake? What if it actually changed who I was, and what I stood for? 

I just laid there, taking in his scent, the house's scent, and the chills that he gave me. I wasn't sure if it was love or just just lust yet, but I did know it felt right. People can feel something is right, even if it's so wrong, right? I mean, I wasn't entirely sure on who this Jack person was, but all I did know is that he wanted me, or something from me, and I seemed to have what he wanted, so why worry? 

Closing my eyes, I just laid there. Relaxed, like someone was taking all the stress away. It was a nice feeling, but it kind of scared me. If all my stress was taken away, would I lack my poise? Would it change who I really was?


My phone went off, as I jumped up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned a bit, taking my sweet time. Looking to Jack, he was just laying there. His scruff seemed to have been more present now than it was when I came over, just hours before. Staring at him, all I could do was smile. Someone like me got someone like him. How could this have been? What made me so alluring to him, that he wanted me so bad? 

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