I go into the kitchen and wait for the cart I'll be using. When I get it I walk by my manager again and he stops me.

"Remember to smile! And you must set the plate in front of them at their request. I don't expect you back right away." With that he walked off to a table to chat up some quests.

All the way up the elevator I kept reminding myself that I do indeed need this job. It was a hard sell though.

'I need this job..... I can't go around reminding certain managers that legally all I have to do is what's in my contract. Of course it has in fine print that I agree to added on tasks as deemed necessary from my manager, but this is a completely different field of the hotel-hell someone is paid to do this job specifically!'

I was fuming as I reached the person's door. Of course I had to reign in my expletives and force a smile on my face. I tapped briskly on the door and waited. No way in hell was I going to barge in, last time I knew who asked for me- or so I had a good guess.

The door was already open when I snapped out of my thoughts. I look up and freeze.

"Well. Shit."

"That's not an appropriate greeting." Mr. M leaned against the door frame as if he could stand there all day.

I stare for another minute and he lets me. When I finally snap out of my shock I decide that anger is my best defense.

"Of course you would be the one to ask specifically for me. I don't know why I didn't connect the dots but honestly, I thought you skipped town again." I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. Of course my glare does nothing to ruffle his feathers but at least I feel better.

"Skip town? You make me sound like a criminal. I'm a busy man Phoebe. As much as I enjoyed your company, I had business to take care of the next day."

"Oh so I can play hookey from my job but God forbid me for expecting you to do the same." His eyes seem to spark at my comment. It's good that he's feeling negative emotions-it means he'll be less inclined to take me to bed which is what I want.

He narrows his hawk eyes and stands up to his full height.

"We made a deal for the weekend Phoebe. You know that. No way in hell was I about to let the day end without you sated. You angered me in the bookstore to I prolonged the inevitable of my giving you another release."

I don't know what happened to my anger but it was replaced with a warmth that loosened all of my muscles and I wanted nothing more than to kiss Mr. M. He's the only person that can switch my mood so fast. Of course he's right about the agreement for the entire weekend but I still feel frustrated that he can brush me off so quickly. Plus we never did say that we were going to see each other on Monday- I was just making the point. No way was I going to tell him that though.

Instead I drop my arms and tilt my head towards the cart I brought. "I need to get back to work, where do you want this?" I sound tired.

He looks taken aback for a second before he moves aside to let me enter. I know that he was expecting a bigger fight but I know when to accept things and let go.

I guide the cart over to his table as he closes the door behind us. I know where he's sitting because there's a cup of coffee and a newspaper in front of his seat. I move the newspaper and place the dish in it's spot. I know what my manager said but there's no way I'm serving him more than I already am.

"The other one is yours." Mr. M's voice is gruff. I probably caused it when I had to bend over for something on the bottom row of the cart.

I raise my eyebrow at that but place the other dish at the seat opposite him. After we're both seated, I raise the silver lid to look at my food and laugh.

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