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"So? What'd you think?" Jack asked me,trying to keep up with my pace. I was trying to speed walk away from the make-shift studio,away from Alex. I didn't enjoy the hour of trying to communicate without talking directly to him. It may seem childish but-...nope,I got nothin'. "About the shots? I think they were good." I shrugged. He stepped in front of me and I stopped. "No,I mean about No Idea. The song Alex made for you." I scoffed and laughed. "Yeah,right. Keep dreamin',Barakat." I tried to step around him but he slid in front of me again. "It's the truth and you know it." I rolled my eyes. "No,but what I do know is: if you don't get out of the way so I can go send these pictures to Hopeless,I may lose my job. So," I walked around him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I sighed in annoyance and rolled my eyes. "He made it for you and I can prove it." Jack started dragging me away and I kept squirming around until we reached the studio that we had just left. Zack,Matt,and Rian were in a circle having a whispered conversation while Alex was far off at the snack table,drinking some coffee. "I don't get it,what are we doing here-" He shushed me and pointed down for me to crouch. I shrugged and did as he said. "Give me your video camera." I raised a confused brow. "Give you my what?" He held out his hand and I sighed and placed it in his hand. Jack smirked and stood back up. I grabbed his arm before he could walk off and he looked down at me. "What are you gonna do?" He chuckled and kissed my head in a friendly way. "You'll see. Just stay down. It won't work if someone sees you." I nodded and got more comfortable.

____Jack's POV_____

I smiled down at her and walked over to Alex. "Hey,man. This tour's been crazy,huh?" I ask,slyly turning the camera on and setting it in front of us. He sighed and shook his head. "I guess." I tilted my head. "You okay? Usually,you're not this upset." I ask with fake curiosity. "Uh,yeah..y-yeah,I'm okay." I rolled my eyes and glanced over at Rian. He raised a brow and my smirk returned. "You know,Alex,that song that you sang earlier was really nice. Is my best friend in love with someone other than me?" He chuckled a bit and his cheeks turned a bright auburn. "Um,yeah,kinda. I guess. Uh,maybe-" I laughed and shook my head. "Who is it?" He bit his lip. "If I tell you,you wouldn't believe me?" I raised a suspicious brow. What's he getting at? "Uh,I'd believe you." I blinked. Alex looked around before looking back at me and sighing. "I-it's...Wynter." Wait,he called her Wynter and not Ariana. "Um,you mean Ariana?" He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Yeah. Her." I frowned. "If it really is Ari-I mean,her. Then,why didn't you talk to her all of tour?" I ask. "Because,I don't want to do something stupid. She has Josh. She's finally happy. I can't be the one to fuck that up for her. I won't be the one to fuck that up for her." I smiled small and shook my head. "You really do love her,don't you?" Alex blushed again then looked down at his coffee. "Yeah,I do." I smirked and swiftly grabbed the camera and turned it off. "Then,I think this will be of value. Josh cheated on her and she's planning to break up with him when she gets home." His jaw dropped and I smiled. "Do with that what you may. See ya'!" I put up the peace sign and walked back over to where Ariana sat. "Okay,I got the-..are you eating a jelly doughnut?" I ask with an amused smile. She swallowed the last bite and shrugged. "I got hungry." I laughed and grabbed her hand,helping her up and dragging her to the hotel room that we used for interviews. "Sit." I demand playfully and point to the couch. She laughed and sat obediently. I grabbed her hand and pulled it out,setting the camera on her palm. "Play it whenever you're ready." She stared at it in awe then looked back up at me. "You're just playing with me." I raised my hands in innocence. "I'm not,I swear. But I do have some serious packing up to do,considering I haven't even started yet so,I gotta go. I'll see you on the bus later,alright?" Ariana nodded slowly and I smiled,hugging her still frame and walking out. Wow,she must really be nervous. I haven't seen her like that since homecoming. I shook the thought away and began the walk to me and Rian's room. Hopefully,one of them makes a move before it's too late. We've all been waiting years for that to happen. Not saying that it never will. Who am I kidding? If it's meant to be,which it is,it will be,which it will. I grinned,proud of my work and walked inside. Rian raised a brow and stuffed a picture of him and Cass on their honeymoon into his suitcase. I can't wait for me and Lola to do that. I could get laid every night and get shit-faced with one of the best female drinkers on the planet,my fiancé. Like,what's better than that?! "What's got you all happy?" I shrugged innocently and placed my suitcase on my bed,pulling out a few pairs of jeans and putting them inside. "Oh,you know,just the fact that my images of little Goldskarths are finally coming true." He scoffed. "Bullshit." I smirked. "Oh,no,no,no. Real shit,Dawson." His eyes went wide and he shook his head with a chuckle. "I'll believe it when I see it,man." He made his way to the bathroom and my smirk extended. "Believe me,you will!" Hopefully,Alex and Ariana get some balls and fess up. Or else,this is gonna be a long bus ride home.

Wynter Gold↣⃚a.w.g.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon