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I sighed and got up,deciding to just walk home. This wasn't worth it. As I turned,I swiftly snuck my way past the security guards without anyone else knowing. With that,I walked home. My name? Well,if you ask most people you'd get a numerous amount of answers. From bully,to feisty,to 'do you want a death-wish?'-trust me,I've heard it all. Some people thought that over the summer I died because I wasn't outside the entire time. Literally,there was a funeral and obituary and everything. Even the teachers thought i was. More like hoping and praying. But while they were outside in the real world sucking up all that sunshine and goodness bull shit,I was inside me and my older sister's apartment playing my new favorite video game,Avie. It's a really awesome simulator game where you get to start off as a level two Redi-that's a mountain troll for all you newbs out there. And the more gems you collect,the more levels you unlock and there are a bunch of mini games. Huh. Here I am fangirling to you about Avie and you don't even know my name! What's up,I'm Wynter Gold,video game extraordinaire and hopefully soon-to-be videographer. How did I manage to scare off every single person in the student body you may ask? Well,that's simple. I was quiet and innocent at one point but after a series of unfortunate events,I became a fucked-up bitch. I was okay with that. I was tired of being the same old vulnerable Wynter. I was different and I loved it. But people fear the unknown so they all feel like they have to try and walk all over me in order to sustain their precious popularity. Truth is,I don't want it. But everyone can't be popular. If everyone is than no one truly is;they'd all be normal. And that's what they try to avoid so they all try to out-do each other in attempting to break my back to see who's the best. I wish I were lying but no,I'm dead fucking serious here. You see,high school is like a food chain and I am on the top of said food chain right now. No matter how much I wish I wasn't. I sighed and marched into the house to see my sister on the couch on her laptop. She's probably working on some new design for work. Instead of asking,I head straight to the kitchen to drink a glass of lemonade. I chug it down and hear Lisa laugh. "Woah,slow down there,Wynny. That's really lemonade this time,right?" I sighed and sat down next to her,ignoring her question. "Why is everyone scared of me? This is backwards and you know it,Lis. I've known half of these kids since pre-school,especially you-know-who,but they immediately became jack-asses since middle school and decided to fear me junior year." I mumbled. She laughed and set the laptop down on the coffee table. "You can say his name,Wynter. He's not Voldemort." I glared at her and she grabbed my hand and rubbed my back soothingly. "People change,it happens all the time,Wynter. Eventually,it's gonna go away. I know it sucks that you're everyone's main target to beat right now but online schooling is still on the table." I shook my head frantically. "No,no,no,no,no,no,no. No. If I do that then I might lose my,uh,focus and stuff. It's just..." She smiled sympathetically. "Hard?" I sighed again and nodded sadly. "Yeah. Especially,since me and...that guy stopped being friends. I just didn't want to hang out with that crowd anymore. He didn't get that. Now,it's like I'm in too deep. I'm trying to keep-..I had to get my life back on track but I ended up making it worse." Lisa moved her laptop and turned to me. "Imagine being his ex and having just about all the same classes as them." Lisa says rolling her eyes. "How does life work to where my older sister can be the coolest girl in the whole school and managed to snag a guy like him,my ex best friend?" I grumbled. She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off by continuing my rant. "It's not like I miss him or anything because I don't,trust me." I continued. Lisa opened her mouth again only for me to cut her off. "Like,what do you even see in a guy like that anyway? I mean,sure he may be attractive and all but like,when he sees something happening he doesn't even try to help. He's a fucking gutless coward.." I spat and rolled my eyes. Lisa blinked and turned back to her laptop. "Wow. It sounds like somebody's pissy today. You know school doesn't end for the juniors for another twelve minutes,right?" She raises a brow and brushes her sandy brown locks out of her face. "Pfft,of fucking course I know that. But I also know that you and Cristopher were making out under the bleachers in the gym and skipping fifth period." I smirked and stood up,walking to my room. "You win this round,Gold!" She called after me. I chuckled and shut my door,immediately noticing the bedside picture I had. It was eighth grade year for me and freshman year for them,a few months before Zack had transferred,and Lisa invited everyone over after school. That was the day that we met him. Jack insisted on taking a picture to remember the 'glorious evening' and I gave everyone copies for Christmas. I just wish I wouldn't have kept mine. I sighed and flipped it down and took out some clothes so I could shower. When I was out,I logged onto Game Center and played Avie for a while. I started getting into it before receiving a text from the school app. I instantly smiled and clicked it,knowing exactly who it was.

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