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I was just about finished with my,uh,business in the bathroom and flushed. I walked out and started washing my hands. "Oh my god,really?" Regain Yates,captain of the cheer squad,screeched before laughing again. My eyes went wide and I ran back to my stall,standing on the toilet and holding the door shut. "Cass,hurry up!" She growled. I frowned. "Sorry,Regain. I-" Cass began but Regain quickly cut her off. "What made you think that you didn't have to be right by me? You're shadowing me. Maybe the cheer squad isn't for you."

"I-I'm sorry. I just got distracted. It won't happen again,I promise!" Cass pleaded. "Distracted by what exactly,Cassadee?" Regain demands. "Um,there was this really cute boy and-"

"Cute boy?! Where?!" I heard two pairs of heels shuffling to the door but one pair of vans stayed standard. "Wait,..are you talking about Rian Dawson?" Faith Tylers,student body president,wondered. "Is that his name?" Cassadee asks in return. I tilted my head with a smirk. Seems like Rian has a secret admirer. Everyone besides me and Cass started laughing and I held a confused glance. I stood up on my tippy toes a bit and watched them through the reflection in the mirror. Cassadee was a short and petite girl with brown pixie-cut/bob styled hair with a single blonde streak through it,freckles,and beautiful green eyes. She was truly the purest of everyone else that was in here seeing as she wasn't wearing any makeup and had a tank top,vest,and skinny jeans with some black vans. "What? He's single,right?" Cassadee asks in confusion. "In reality,yes. But in his head,no." Faith clarified only slightly. "What does that mean?" Cassadee mumbled and rubbed her arm. "It means that he wouldn't even notice any other girl besides Wynter Gold." I blinked and gulped. What the hell did that mean? "He's like dead-set on getting her. It's really creepy actually.." Regain states with a shiver. "Didn't he make up all this shit about Jack to her that night at Nate Calloway's party in like junior year?" Faith asks,glazing on some lip gloss. "Barakat?" Regain retorts. Cassadee looks back and forth between them and I feel my grip on the door,slipping slightly. "Yeah. Like,Zack told me that Mandy told him that she saw the entire thing. She said that she saw Wynter walk outside and then Rian fed Jack a bowl of bull shit about sleeping with Wynter and then Jack went on a rage and found Mandy and was about to sleep with her. He even said that a few weeks ago Rian told Alex to lay off because Wynter was his and he said something to Wynter about Lola and Alex being together." I blinked. Mandy was lying,she had to be. Rian would never do anything like that,right? "Is it possible that maybe this Mandy girl heard it wrong? I mean,she could've been drunk or something. Most of the people at parties are." Cassadee stated shyly. "Are you kidding me? Mandy has never had a drink a day in her life. She has this weird disease thing that if she does,she'll have to go to the hospital to get it pumped out." I tilted my head. Huh. I never knew that. So,that must mean that all the time when she was drunk,she was only pretending.  Then,I realized what that meant. This entire time,Rian has been lying straight to my face. I slipped slightly but luckily Regain and Faith were in their own conversation. That's when Cassadee glanced up at me and her eyes went wide. "U-um,hey,Regain? Shouldn't we get to class? Don't wanna be late,right?" I held on tighter and Faith turned to Cassadee. "Hm....I guess you're right." She shrugged and me and Cassadee let out a collective breath of relief. Regain and Faith left the bathroom talking about Homecoming and I hopped down,walking out and smiling nervously at Cassadee. "So,you must be Wynter?" She asked with a smile. I laughed lightly and nodded. "Yeah. And you're Cassadee?" She giggled and nodded. "Yeah. I-I'm sorry about Rian,by the way." I felt all the rage build up inside me once again and forced a smile. "Speaking of,can you excuse me?" I uttered,stomping outside. This was my free period so I might as well get it done and over with now. I searched the halls and saw him at his locker. That little bitch had no clue what was coming for him. I angrily marched over and slammed his locker door shut,glaring at him. "What the he-"

"Don't you dare,Dawson. Don't you fucking dare. You told Jack that we slept together?! What the hell?!" Rian looked surprised and blinked. "W-who told you that? Because if it was Alex,he's a fucking liar in itself." I rolled my eyes. "Stop feeding me bull shit,Rian! For once,can you actually tell me the truth?!" He jumped and I shook my head. I wasn't backing down. Not this time. "Fine! Yes! I told Jack that we slept together! Yes,I told Alex that he needed to back off! Yes! Alright?! Happy now?!" I wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall and glared at him. "Answer this last thing...is it true that Lola liked Jack?" By now,we had an audience of half of the school and I could feel the urge to beat the shit out of the arrogant boy in front of me only grow. "No,you were just dumb enough to believe anything that I said." He shrugged. I growled and slapped him across the face. Everything and everyone was still in that moment. Sure,I was a bitch but it had never gotten to the point where I was physical,with anyone. I shook my head slowly and ran out of the building. I couldn't believe it myself. I let someone in and they tore everyone away. They took me out of character. I can't believe that I trusted him in the first place. The more I thought,the more I realized why Jack had been so stiff and angry with me. Rian made him think that I was cheating on him behind his back. That fucking snake. My phone went off and I sighed,pulling it out.

alexgrahmcracker: I'm sorry..

killjoykart: Listen to me. I'm leaving.

alexgrahmcracker: what?! Where are you going?!

killjoykart: I don't know. But I've done something so terrible..I can't stay here anymore. I'm sorry

alexgrahmcracker: Don't go.

alexgrahmcracker: please..

killjoykart: After tomorrow,I'm gone. And I'm not coming back.

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