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12 days until homecoming

I shook my head,laughing a bit too loudly. But could you blame me? Tyler and Josh were some funny people. Even though they're seniors,they act like a couple of twelve year olds the way they bicker. Well,Josh more so than Tyler. "All I'm saying is: Jenna smells prettier than you." Tyler stated matter-of-factly,going back to eating his apple. "First,I don't dry off enough and now,I stink? What pleases you,man?" Josh laughs. "You never dry off enough! Your shirt is sticking to your clothes,dog!" Tyler retorts,pointing to Josh's shirt. I laughed and they both looked at me. "Tell me,Wynter. Who do you agree with? Me,the one that's in the band,or Josh,the one that's not in the band?" I giggled and Josh looked unsurprised at the change of events. "Sorry,Josh,I have to side with Tyler on this one. It is pretty weird." Josh shrugged and ate a chip of his Doritos. "I like to air dry." I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around,facing the tall and lanky jerk that I have to call my ex. "What do you want,Jack?" I mumbled,turning back around. As you could see,I'm starting to get on the nicer route again. Screw Alex and his uprooting ways. But we had been hanging out a lot more lately after school,professionally,of course. Well,kinda. He would come over and we would do the project and then leave then at about twelve at night he would be tapping at my patio door and I would let him in for the night. I felt bad for doing all this behind Rian,Lisa,and Jack's backs but it wasn't like we were doing anything. We just happened to sleep better when we were around each other. No more insomnia equals a happy Wynter. "To talk. Please?" I looked up at Tyler for advice and he shrugged and nodded. Josh smiled reassuringly and I smiled back,standing up. "Okay." Jack looked surprised,suspicious,and confused all in one. "Wait,what? 'Okay'? You're just playing with me." I shook my head and walked out of the quad to the front steps of the school,Jack following closely behind. "Nope. What's up?" He smiled small and sighed. "You're like a puzzle,ya' know that?" I smiled smugly and shrugged. "I know. Now,spill." Jack chuckled and sat next to me. "I know it's a bit too late but,can I ask you something that's been bothering me for so long?" I shrugged and nodded. "I don't see why not." Jack frowned and played with his hands. "Why did you do it?" I tilted my head a bit and raised a brow. "What do you mean? Why'd I do what?"

"Sleep with Rian." My eyes went wide and I blinked,trying to register what he was talking about but came up with nothing. "What the hell? I thought we went over this?! I never have and never will do anything like that with him! He's just a friend!" Here comes pissy Wynter. Jack held up his hands,blocking his face in defense and I sighed,sitting next to him again. "I don't get why you won't let this go. I tell you time and time again that nothing happened but you still won't believe me." He frowned and eyed me with a confused look. "He never really told you,did he?"

"Who told who what?" Alex asks,plopping in between us. He all but ripped us apart and grinned at me innocently. "I-I dunno..um,Jack?" Jack's head popped out from behind Alex and he nodded. "We can talk more tomorrow,okay?" Alex stayed silent and glared at Jack. I guess he really wanted there to be peace in between us. "Okay. Yeah,sure." The bell for the end of the day rang and I stood up,brushing my pants off and offered both of them a hand. Alex grabbed them both and pulled himself up and dragged me away. I looked back to see Jack glaring at the back of Alex's head. "See ya' tomorrow,Jack!" I waved. He broke his intense stare and looked at me with a genuine smile. "Yeah,see ya',Aria!" I froze as I remembered the nickname and smiled back before turning to Alex. "Want a ride home?" He smirked and his annoyed face melted into a bubbly but calm one once again. That was weird. "Sure! Lead the way,gorgeous." I blushed and shook my head. "Alex,we talked about this-"

"I know,I just can't help the truth." He shrugged and hopped into the passenger seat. "But you chose Lisa,remember? So,I think we should just keep this friend-" He looked panicked and pointed across the parking lot. "U-uh,look,Rian's coming! Wait,...ugh! Rian's coming?" He whined. I frowned and looked where he was pointing to see Rian approaching with a cigarette between his lips and a scowl. Geez,what crawled up his ass and died? "Hey,Dawson." I greeted cautiously. He grunted in response and crawled into the back seat. "He's in my spot." Rian growled while glaring at Alex. Alex rolled his eyes and stared out of the window. " 'Your spot' is in my car so my friends can sit in it if they want." I retort in the same manner. If he wanted to be a dick,I could be a bitch. No shame in my game,ding-a-ling. Rian huffed and sat back grudgingly,shoving his headphones on. Alex raised a curious brow at me while we were at a stop sign and I laughed a bit. "Keep thinking that hard and your brain will explode." He chuckled a bit and I turned left. "Sorry,it's just..you stuck up for me twice now..why?" I shrugged and pulled down to Rian's street. "I help where help is needed." Alex grinned. "Uh huh,and you assume I need it from a Chemistry teacher and your little friend back there?" I smiled and laughed,stopping the car. "Yes,as a matter of fact,I do." Alex returned the smile and without thinking I let myself get lost in his eyes and he was lost in mine. "For god's sakes unlock the door already." Rian scoffed,rolling his eyes. I snapped out of it and pressed the button to unlock the doors quickly. "Oh,right. S-sorry,Ri. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning?" I asked while blushing madly. He rolled his eyes again and got out. "No thanks,I'd rather walk." He slammed the door shut and marched up the sidewalk. Alex held a cocky smirk as I started driving down to our street. "What?" I asked,laughing a little. "Nothing." He smiled and watched the scenery whizz by out of the window.

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