Author's Corner

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Haiii~ it's niflheimr14 desu! Just call me, nif or something you're pretty much comfortable with. *insert wink emoji here*

Ah, by the way, I know you're wondering about the title so here's the catch. While writing the 11th chapter of this fanfic, I realized that it's about time for me to, you know, interact with the readers every now and then. So, if you have questions about me (the not so personal ones) or my characters (the originals) feel free to do so~

I'll answer them honestly *winkeu*

That would be all~ fufu.



I just read the new chapter of SnS manga and I was right about Akira. I already had a hunch before as to why he joined the council and I'm happy that he didn't join Azami's Central because he agrees with his new doctrine. He's so young but he's really an exemplar of what we call, "Knight-in-shining-armor" ... well that is just coming from me. I don't with you readers though. Hehe.

Anyhow, that would be all. Thank you for taking your time in reading this corner! :3

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