"Air" I say in a croaky voice. Pulling away from him quickly I make myself stumble heading for the edge of the counter but manage to right myself before I get too far. Standing up I climb down and head for the patio doors leaving Mitch behind. I walk out into the cool night air and take a couple of deep breaths trying to compose myself. What was that in there? Those feelings were unusual but I can't say I didn't like what Mitch made me feel. Shaking my head I walk further into the garden where it was quieter. I'd seen a tree house further up the garden when we had been here that other time, hopefully it will be unoccupied.

All was quiet and I took that as a good sign. I climbed the wooden ladder and went inside. This was a lot bigger than any tree house I've been in before, for one I could stand to full height and still have room and there was space for a small couch in the corner and beanbags.

Felling dizzy I decide to sit down and close my eyes, nope not a good idea closing my eyes was not an option just now it made the room spin. Deciding to lie down I stare at the ceiling and listen to my breathing. I take out my phone and see it's midnight. I send a quick text to let Mum know we will probably stay here and text Poppy to tell Libby to ask Theo.

Poppy 👭: he says that's fine xxx

Putting my phone back in my pocket I hear the door being pushed open. Sitting up I see Kayden poking his head in.

"Hey! How'd you find me?" I say smiling. I'm glad he found me I've missed him too

"I saw you come up here but went back to the house to get you these" he says handing me two bottles of water and paracetamol.

"Life saver!" I say patting the spot beside me "you coming to sit down" nodding he sits. "You having fun?" I ask

"Not as much fun as you've been" he says sadly "I've not see you smile this much or laugh this much in ages."

"It's been a lot better than I thought it would be, the shots defo helped but I reckon I will have a few embarrassing flashbacks tomorrow" I shiver.

"Your dance moves have been something else" he laughs nudging my shoulder. "Kinda sad I didn't get treated to one of your dances" .

"We can have our dance now if you want?" I say standing up "come on up you get"

"There's no music Hols" he whines

Going in to my pocket I pull out my phone and hand him it. "Choose any song it'll be fun"

He sits for a moment then begins to go through the playlists. "Right I've picked one but I've chose a slow one I think you need to calm yourself down a bit" he mocks.

Setting the phone on the couch he slips his jacket off and walks towards me as Jealous by Labrinth starts to play. I love this song.

Walking over to me he takes my hand kissing it. "Can I have this dance?" Giggling I nod my head. He puts his hands on my hips and I slip my hands over his chest and link them behind his head resting my head on his shoulder. We start to sway back and forth. Her twirls me out and pulls me back in to his chest causing me to laugh.

"God I love that sound" he says pressing the side of his face to me head.

"What sound?" I ask confused.

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