"Why? So you can get back to Milo" he sneers

Is that jealously is hear? "What if I do? It's none of your business" I say still trying to push past him but give up once I realise he's managed to box me in to the corner of the hall with my back to the wall. How did that happen? I'm sure I was walking forward?

He leans forward down to my level and stares me straight in the eye igniting those flames that lick all over my body from the heat in his eyes. "You are my business Holly. Everything you do is my business. I want to be by your side and your pushing me away." Feeling his breath on my skin makes me close my eyes and lean towards the sound of his voice. "Your coming to sit with us, you've been drinking and I don't want you to do something silly with Milo that you'll regret tomorrow"

Did he just tell me what to do! Feeling the heat being doused out by the coldness of my anger swirling through my body I fling my eyes open and push him away from me and stare at him "Who are you to tell me what I am doing? I am not coming down there to sit with all of you while you flirt and have girls fling themselves at you just to make you all feel better in the knowledge that no one is near me and I'm within sight. I'm having fun with Milo and his friends so butt out" I growl out and stomp past him towards the stairs.

Heading towards the kitchen I walk over to Milo who was exactly where he told me he would stay. His face lights up when he sees me. "I was getting worried you've been gone for ages" he says putting his arm round my shoulder.

"Sorry there was a line and I got talking with a few of the girls from the team I didn't mean to be so long" I say leaning in to him.

"It's alright, I was going to come look for you but didn't want to leave here and miss you and end up searching again" he laughs and I giggle,

"Where are the rest of them?" Nodding to the empty seats.

"They went to dance do you wanna join them?" He smiles

"Maybe after another drink. I usually only dance when I'm in my room or nobody is watching" I blush going to  grab the bottle of raspberry vodka from the bar and shot glasses out the cupboard. Holding them up I smile and set them up on the bar for us.

"Don't worry I've got two left feet, but I can promise you one thing" he says leaning in close to my ear and whispers "a'll definitely be watching Holly". His breath on my ear made  the hairs on my neck stand up. Looking back at him with my red face I see he's smiling at me and not in the usual taunting smile boys have when they are playing tricks on me but a honest smile which causes butterflies to fly in my stomach. I giggle and focus on pouring the drinks.

Downing four in a row I decide that they are my last drink and grab Milo's hand dragging him while I laugh towards the living room where we find Joel, Ethan, Anna and Beth dancing they smile when they see us and wave us over. James Bay- Best Fake Smile comes on and I can't help to start move my body to the beat and sing my heart out holding Milo's hand and jumping around. He spins me out and in twisting and twirling me and I can't help but laugh having so much fun. I sing loudly in to his face shaking my boobs at his chest and stamping my feet getting in to it and he seems to be having fun too. The rest of the party seems to melt away and while I have fun with him and his friends.

We dance to a few songs laughing and doing silly moves. I can kind of understand why my mum drinks. I feel relaxed and happy and don't seem to care what anyone else thinks. My dance moves have become bolder and flirty with Milo. I love the feel of his hands on my hips and his stomach pressed against my back. Rihannah-Work comes on and I begin to sway my hips pressing further into Milo, bending and rotating my hips. I think, I think I'm like her in the video flinging my hair over my shoulder and wrapping my arms backwards around his neck I slowly move myself side to side getting lost in the music closing my eyes.

"I don't know if I want anyone else to see these dance moves Holly" Milo whispers into my ear giggling . Turning around to face him I continue to dance, He stands still while I seem to rub myself over him. I know I should be embarrassed but my body just wants to move and I'm letting it. Milo's hands tighten on my hips and I hear him breath out a long breath. Looking up into his eyes I feel lost in them, placing my hand on the side of his face I stare into them.

"You have beautiful eyes Milo" I whisper.

"You're beautiful Holly" he says leaning his forehead on mine.

Did he just say I'm beautiful? I stop dancing and look up at him. He seems to be waiting for something. He looks down to my lips and and I look at his noticing his tongue dart out to wet them. This action makes my stomach clench. Is he going to kiss me? I would like him to kiss me. Realising I feel this way I decide to be brave and lean in a bit further closing the space between us, I don't know if it's the alcohol or the confidence that his words give me or maybe a combination of both but I'm going to kiss him. I turn my head slightly and close my eyes but just before out lips touch I'm pulled back abruptly. "What the-"

"You were going to kiss him Holly" an angry voice says behind me still holding on to my shoulder. Looking at Milo I can see he's not happy and I give him an apologetic smile turning round to face Noah.

"And?" I asks placing my hands on my hips staring him down.

"And it would of been your first" he whispers.

"Again a'll ask.. And?"

"You can't just give away your first kiss because your drunk and not thinking" he whispers again.

"I can and will do what I want Noah. The sooner you and Finn realise that the better stop telling me what I can and can't do!" I shout.

"Look man, Holly can make her own decisions I would never make her do anything she doesn't want to. I know you guys are friends but I really like her" Milo says.

"Don't even get me started on you! You were basically screwing on that dance floor moments ago, we all know where you mind is" Noah spits.

"Hey! We were just dancing, Holly was having a good time and so was I no harm done Noah. What's your deal?" Milo questions

Noah moves in towards him getting in his face.

I can't be dealing with this right now.

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