Chapter Twenty

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Gerard P.O.V

A pounding headache started to gnaw at my mind, I squinted as I drove towards Mikey's house. There was no doubt that his little toy would be walking around- I'd have to try and control myself. I'd never even met her, I had refused to attend. I didn't care about his happiness, all that I cared about was what was happening to me. I wanted to know everything that he knew; everything about what was to happen to me.

I vaguely remembered where he lived, but a feeling in the back of my mind told me where to go. I pulled up outside a gated house, a small box on the wall with buttons on it faced me. Sighing, I got out, staring at the little red button. I pressed it for what I felt was a million times, before Mikey's dorky voice came from the speakers.

"Hello?" He called, I could hear his wife talking in the background. Her voice high-pitched and irritating.

"Mikey it's me, we need to talk. Like now." I said impatiently tapping the wall, my face only a few inches away from the speaker. There was a hesitation on Mikey's behalf, before he opened his stupid little mouth.

"I don't know anybody by the name 'me' I'm sorry." He giggled, his wife joining in. I closed my eyes, my fist clenching tightly as it leant against the red wall.

"Michael, I swear, if you don't open this gate I will do it. I will personally put you into perdition myself. I will let you rot and I won't even give you a second thought." I hissed evilly, feeling every inch of my body crawl with anger. I wasn't one to go back on a promise, I would make sure him and that slut in the background would be burning until everything in existence came to an end.

"Okay Gerard, I was only messing around." Mikey sighed as the gates groaned, allowing me inside. I smiled, feeling accomplished, driving the short distance to his front door. The wife was in the window, she wasn't too much of a beauty. But, she was doable. I slammed my car door shut, slipping the keys into my pocket as the large front door swung open. He stood there, his hair neatly done, everything about him perfect. But what a shame it was that he didn't have what our dad wanted- an heir. That was me; and at this rate our dear old dad would be gone in a matter of weeks.

"Just go upstairs honey." Mikey muttered to the blonde girl, she looked at me, nodded, ran upstairs.

"What an obedient little thing." I chuckled, finding myself funny. Mikey on the other hand wanted me to get straight to my point.

"What do you want that's so important- so urgent, that you had to come here?" He sighed, falling back into his armchair.
His house was quaint, his taste almost commendable. It wasn't dark enough for me, or cultured enough. I sat down in front of him, my hands tapping my legs.

"I just saw my appearance change for the second time now. And I uh- I wondered if it has anything to do with me stealing dad's ring." I shrugged, looking at my surroundings.

"Oh for god's sake Gerard, you need to return that ring to dad. You're too young to run hell. You'd let it spill onto the surface and the mortals will end up running in terror." He held his head in his hands, fingers going through his hair. I let out a loud snort, everything that he said to persuade me to return what was mine made me giggle. It was my time now- dad had been running the place since forever. Ever since he was thrown down there for being his usual asshole self.

"Mikey, you don't seem to understand what I'm asking of you. All that I wanted to know was if that was normal. Because you're a kiss-ass when it comes to dad, I thought that he would've told you." I shrugged, rolling my eyes. Almost instantly regretting my decision to come to Mikey for help. He had daddy issues- it was more than just a little obvious to me. He would do anything in his will power to stop me from having something that I wanted.

"Yes, I do Gerard. You're being selfish. You don't even know how to stop yourself from having sex with dad's wife, let alone stop yourself from releasing the dead onto the innocents up here."

"If you could just crawl out of dad's asshole for just a moment, I might be able to help you understand why I need your help. Fuck, maybe I'll even let you help me run the place." I offered, my hands pressed together in front of my face. I scowled at him as he began to laugh at me. My anger was bubbling in my stomach, threatening to hurl itself at Mikey's smug little face.

"I will never help you do something like that Gerard, it's a suicide mission." He sniggered, looking away from me. I held up a hand to silence him, and to my surprise it worked. I stood up, watching him frown at me.

"You old regret it Mikey, I swear. But hey, if you want to stay up here when I start an apocalypse be my guest." I started to laugh uncontrollably, thinking it best that I left him to mull things over. Stepping out into the hallway, I turned, sensing that I was being watched. The wife was hiding behind a pillar of some sorts. I smiled slyly, blowing her a kiss. I giggled as she shivered.
Song Of The Chapter- People Are Strange by The Doors

I'm really into music from the 60's-90's at the moment, I literally don't listen to anything else XD I feel like some of the bands have this creepy edge and it really inspires me- not gonna lie that's why I've updated twice in a short space of time for the first time in a loooooong time :3
I'll shut up now

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