Chapter Nineteen

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Frank P.O.V

He ate nothing, instead he stared at me as I pulled my food apart. I was a fussy eater, he chuckled as I pulled every piece salad off it. I poured playfully, slowly sliding a soggy tomato in his direction.

"Keep your rabbit food away from me." He joked, pretending to loo disgusted. I rolled my eyes, wrapping it up in my napkin, pushing it to the edge of the table. He sipped from the glass of water in front of him, I felt his eyes analysing my every move. From when I moved my hand to pick up my fork, to when I skewered everything onto it. I shoved it into my mouth, unsure if I was actually hungry or not. I just love the way that he watched me, it gave me a sort of satisfaction. Like there was a chance that he actually loved me, and wasn't using me for his own gain.

"Why do you watch me so much?" I asked, playing with my food.

"Why wouldn't I? I enjoy myself when I watch you, the way you do things, it's just enjoyable." He smiled, grabbing my hand from across the table. I looked into his eyes, sensing that he was being genuine. The little glint told me to go with my instinct, to believe in whatever it is that he would tell me. My cheeks flushed a bright red; I was basking in his affections.
"Am I not allowed to look at you now?" He teased, brushing stray pieces of hair out of my face.

"You can look at me whenever you like." I smiled, cheeks still red.

"Good, I'm glad. Otherwise that would've made me seem pushy- even though I know that you loved every minute of it." He whispered, leaning in. I couldn't help but let out an awkward laugh, immediately covering my mouth afterwards. Gerard sniggered, softly stroking my cheek.

I didn't like the fact that I had to go home. I wanted him to take me back to his, I wanted him to hold me. But I knew that that wasn't going to happen tonight. He seemed to have an agenda, the speed at which he was driving was a telltale sign. I didn't mind, I knew that he liked me. He had to have liked me, he wouldn't use me would he? I shook that thought from my mind immediately, knowing that I shouldn't put that sort of thing on my mind. I had an odd attraction to him, he always said that I belonged to him, so I had some hope to get me by.

As I went to get out of the car, he grabbed my arm, pulling me back inside. I didn't know what was happening, until he pressed his lips against mine. He nuzzled my forehead with his nose, before allowing me to get up. I smiled, watching him speed unnaturally away. I shrugged, turning to face my house. Nobody was home, which gave me a chance to shower and wipe away any awkward evidence. I hoped that my mother wouldn't be able to sense that I had been up to something. Surely she wouldn't know- but mothers are mothers.

Twisting the key in the lock, I slammed it shut behind me. If there was anybody in particular to hide mine and Gerard's little escapade; it was my father. He didn't understand that it was perfectly fine to be attracted to the same gender. He was an odd man, but a kind man. And some day I hoped to tell him of who I was, but I was too scared. He loved me, but I was far too scared of upsetting him. When he shouted I would almost die from fear. Loud noises and unexpected shouting always made me feel threatened. I shuddered, dropping my coat onto the floor.

Jogging lightly up the stairs, I dropped all of my clothes into the laundry basket. Feeling liberated from the fact that I was now completely naked. I grabbed towels from the cupboard, an old shirt and some fresh boxers from my drawers, and headed into the bathroom. The marble was ice cold against my feet, causing my hair to stand on end. The water threw itself onto my skin, warming my body up instantly. I smiled, washing away any evidence of Gerard- as much as I didn't want to. It wasn't obvious, but it would make it easier to lie to my parents. If I felt at least remotely clean, then my lies would be relatively good.

I draped a towel over my lower half, using the other to dry my hair. I sighed, standing up straight, looking into the fogged mirror. I could've sworn that there was something behind me, but the fog on the mirror was obscuring my vision. I frowned, wiping it away.
There was a dark shadow standing behind me, it's arm outstretched, as if it was reaching for me. I almost screamed, turning around immediately. There was nothing there, just me. Alone in the bathroom. It was a figure of my imagination. That was what I hoped it to be. Not the thing that was in Gerard's front room- whatever the fuck that was. I pulled my clothes on quickly, looking back into the room as I walked.

There it was again, slowly waving at me.
Song Of The Chapter- Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar) by The Doors

I really love it when my boyfriend gets excited to tell me his biology notes when he comes home from college XD he's such a cutie (even though I'm not allowed to call him cute XD)

Expect another update around this time next week (maybe earlier if I find the time ;) )
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