"Hey bruh. .. was it that good that you can't answer your boy... you too stingy to share eh??"..

"Ergh!!! What's with the messages Junior... ???

I didnt bother going through the last two messages. . I deleted the rest. Puts the phone back in my pocket, i sat down and waited.
Amara stretches and yawns. Then she opens her eyes and sits up abruptly , her hands to her chest when she remembered where and how she was and the person who was there with her. But she was alone. The morning light had broken into the room and there wasn't any sign of Bruno.
She rolled off the bed, without taking off her wrapper she slipped into dry cloths and heads to the palour. But he wasn't there..

"Bruno??" ...she called out but no answer. She walks towards the only bathroom they had and knocks on the door...

"Eh...Bruno, are you in there??" ... No answer..

She walks back to the palour and peer out the window. There were quite a few people about, heading out for the day's business. The clock on the wall said 6:34.. she turns when she hears someone open the door, ...

"I was looking for yo--- eh mama!!!"
Walking towards her mother.." Goodmorning " she greeted her.

"Eh Ama, Goodmorning. How did you sleep. Are you feeling better?... are you hungry? I bought Akara and Bread on the way as I was coming. My friend is doing okay. Was just a scare. Come ... take this to the kitchen. If you aren't feeling better you can stay home oh, I will go to the shop alone today okay??"

Amara takes the food stuffs from her mother, she looks behind her hoping he would walk in. But nothing.. not even a shadow passed by the door.

"What is it Amara, why are you looking at the door??"

"Erm.. nothing Mama" she lied. When did he leave, during the night? Did he do anything? I don't feel anything...as though he touched me in the night.. but I saw him...it.. but, he didn't even try to touch me. Strange.

"Oh..Ohk. you must be wondering about Bruno. He is such a dear. He was standing by the door this morning when I came. He didnt look as though he slept all night. I hope you didn't cause him any trouble. He seemed unusually quiet. Did anything happen while I was away Ama??" Her mother looks her in the eye. Amara drops her eyes ...

"Something like what mama??"

"I am asking you and you are asking me. ??"

"No mama. I fell asleep. And when I woke up he had gone"..

"Hmmm?.. He said he had to go home and prepare for work . He just left. I was thanking him sef for staying to watch over you. Did you give him food to eat??"

Amara shakes her head.

"ABBA Ama. Didn't I train you to be hospitable.??"

"Its okay. Take those things to the kitchen. I heard from my friend that her Niece said Schools have brought put their merit list oh..." She follows Amara into the kitchen. .. " And Ama you didn't answer me.. Are you feeling okay. ??"

"You are just typical mama. You say alot of things under one breath. I am okay. I will follow you to the shop. And yes I am hungry, the Akara is hot. Let me put water on fire for tea and make akamu for us to eat. ".

"Where did you disappear to yesterday baby, you didn't come back to work. What sort of family emergency didn't you have to attend to. I waited on you...you know it rained mad dogs last night and the weather was terribly cold. I would have used some body heat and strong muscles you know... "

She played with my collar, I preserved a whiff of her perfume. "Seductress" she said when I asked her the name.

"Hmmm.... can you imagine . Cold weather. It's raining and we would be making out own heat. Making magic with our bodies"... she wispered..

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