To Let Live

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A month later, Jack and I sat on the floor of our apartment, rolling a basketball back and forth. I adored living with Jack. He was sweet, clean, generous, and funny. It was fantastic. He had taken a break from drinking. I could see a lot of him improving.

He had made the relationship official, as well. He asked me out after the Ravens won a football game. He later claimed that he did it spur of the moment, hype from his favorite team winning. I just laughed and kissed him.

"Hey, does our flight leave, again?" Jack asked, pushing the basketball at me.

"Two hours." I replied, spinning the ball back. He nodded. "You're excited, aren't you?" I smirked up at him.

"A little." He admitted quietly. I chuckled. Jaiden had just found out that she was pregnant. Jack was ecstatic to be uncle Jack again. "You know, I have a better way of passing time." He suggested.

"Yeah?" I had an idea of what he was thinking.

"Yeah." He moved closer to me and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed back. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I threaded my fingers through his beautiful, soft dark hair. He sighed against my mouth. I loved how long his lashes were. I could feel them, they were that long. I left one hand in his hair, running the other one down his arm to his hand.

I found his hand on my lower back. I took his hand and held it. Jack let our hands rest on the floor together before laying down, pulling me with him. We laid on the ground making out for several minutes. When we broke away, we lazily swapped kisses as we continued to lay on the ground. I continued to let myself fall harder in love with him, as well.

Several hours later, Jack and mine's Uber pulled up at the Pauley's house. We paid the driver and got out. It was only seven in California, meaning the sun was still out, but close to sunset. Jack took my hand, holding his bag in the other. We walked up to the door, and Jack knocked. We heard yelling inside, a crash, then the door flew open, Aaron standing in front, Jaiden on Aaron's back. Jaiden stared at Jack, green eyes wide.

"Told you, you shoulda let me answer the door, Aaron. I'm not helpless like drunk you." Jaiden told her husband before dropping to her feet. "Jacky!" She greeted her friend and giving him a tight hug. He hugged back.

"Hi, Jaid." He hugged her back. Aaron politely smiled at me.

"Miss. Jillian, good to see you again." He greeted me.

"You, too, Aaron." I greeted back. Jack and Jaiden were talking quickly to one another. I noticed that Jaiden's stomach has a bit of a bump to it. It was the baby. I had begun to remember more things about me being pregnant, but nothing about my child.

"Come on in. I'll grab my wife and that should help." He moved to Jaiden and picked her up bridal style. She and Jack continued to chatter as Aaron carried the pregnant girl in. Aaron led us into a living room, setting Jaiden down on the sofa before sitting next to her, his arm sliding around her. Jack sat down and pulled me with him into his lap. Jack and Jaiden abruptly stopped their chatter.

"So, Jillian. You want to know about Alanna, I suppose." Jaiden said, sighing. She turned to her husband. "Aaron, go get the books, please." Aaron stood, kissing Jaiden's cheek gently. He walked away and Jaiden watched him go.

"I want to know about what she was like." I asked. Jaiden nodded.

"She was an angel. Slept until ten everyday, rarely cried into the nights as a baby. When she learned to talk, she would always yell at Aaron to, "pay tar," as she would yell, wanting him to play for her." Jaiden spoke with a sad smile on her face. "She loved Aaron. And she was his moon and stars." Aaron walked back in a moment later, carrying two photo albums. He handed them to me before sitting closely to Jaiden, his arm around her tightly.

I began to flip through the photo album to see pictures of a little girl. Alanna. My daughter. There were photos of Alanna by herself, then photos with her and Aaron and Jaiden. I felt myself tear up. Jack's arms wrapped around me. We spent the evening talking about Alanna, and looking at photos. My memories of visiting her came back to me. I was aunt Jillian. And she loved me in that way. I was happy with that.

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