Chapter Nine

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After a long flight, Jack and I stumbled sleepily into my apartment. I saw stairs after we walked in the front door and groaned deeply.

"No! Jack! Carry me!" I commanded, putting my arms out to him.

"Nope! Deal! You have to get used to it!" He yelled at me. We started to walk up the stairs to the living areas. We reached the top of the stairs and walked into the living room. I looked around, taking in everything. 

The walls were the two walls were red, while the other one was white, the last one being glass so you could look out over at the city. Pictures covered one red wall while the white wall beside it was covered in music signed music posters, old guitars with signatures on it and other things of that variety. On the other red wall was an entertainment center. 

In the middle of the room was a red couch with a white loveseat beside it, facing the glass window. There was a breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. The hallway that leads back to the bedrooms was through the red wall with pictures covering it.

"I don't live here," I said in awe. I'd never been neat or organized. Jack laughed. "This is literally my dream apartment."

"Yes, you do." He put his arm around my shoulders. A smile touched his beautiful, but tired face. He looked down into my eyes. "Do you wanna watch a movie? We can unpack tomorrow. I'm too tired." He said, leaning on me. He looked tired, but his eyes were full of love and happiness.

"Sure." I agreed. He grinned and grabbed a movie off the center and put it in the Blueray player. I sat on the couch, him beside me. Jack started to move around to get comfortable, pulling me closer to him. He sat with his arm around me. I wound up getting comfortable with my head on his chest. I don't know when, but I quickly fell asleep on the couch with Jack. He felt like he belonged by my side. It felt good. It felt right.

The next morning, I woke up stiff, but very warm. I opened my eyes to realize that I was still on the couch with Jack. I pulled out of his grasp on my waist so I could get up. I went into the kitchen in search of food. Everything in the kitchen was neat and orderly. I easily found the bowls and grabbed the Fruit Loops. The cereals were in a neat rack under the cabinet containing the plates and bowls.

"Grab me a bowl, would ya?" Jack asked from the other side of the bar. I grabbed another bowl and sat down on the barstool opposite him. I groaned as I sat down.

"I forgot the milk and spoons," I complained. Jack laughed at me.

"Jules, you threw out your milk before the tour," he told me between laughs. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you always like this?" I asked mockingly. He caught his breath and leaned very close to my face, his glasses almost touching my face.

"Check your Twitter and see." He then kissed my nose and took the box of Fruit Loops from my side of the breakfast bar. He leaned back and poured the sugary goodness into the black, ceramic bowl. I got my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. I slid the lock screen, only to be greeted by the number pad indicated the need for a password.

"Um, Jack? By any chance, would you know my password?" I prayed he knew. My iPod didn't have one, so I automatically assumed my phone didn't either.

"1992." He rattled off, not even having to look up from his phone. He glanced up long enough to see the surprise on my face. "You've got better games than I do." He said. I smirked and rolled my eyes. I typed in the code on the screen of the iPhone 7S. A ton of messages popped up from almost every social media site. Most messages were "Feel Better!" and similar things. I got on Twitter first.

"JulietSilentSound: Thanks for the messages!! :) I'm feeling better than I did. I've lost around six years of memory. Wish me luck! Jack is staying with me!"

Moments after the Tweet was posted, the comments started piling up. A lot of them read, "Jick!" That peaked my interest.

"JulietSilentSound: What's Jackiet?" People said, "You and Jack." "Look it up on Tumblr!" "Look at it on Wattpad!" I decided to go to Tumblr. first. A picture of myself and Jack kissing came up under the tag. I looked at it for a second before closing the app.

"Do I have a laptop?" I asked Jack.

"Yep. It's in your room. I'll run and grab it for you." He walked back into the hallway as my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Juliet. How's your head?" My mother responded.

"Fine. Just a dull ache now. I'm just a bit crazy about not being able to remember everything." I admitted.

"Oh dear. I'm sure your memory will be back in no time! Jack can certainly help!"

"Okay, Mom." Jack walked back out, my laptop in his hand. "Gotta go. Love you." I then hung up on my mother.

"Let me guess- Mama Thunder?" I nodded and he handed me the MacBook in his hands. I opened it to see no password needed. The screen picture was of myself and Jack taking a horrible selfie. I laughed at the terrible picture. Then, the memory came back to me.

Jack and I were being silly on stage. He had been twerking to our cover of American Idiot by Green Day. He ran up and put an arm around my waist, pulling me against his side.

"Jules, Jules, Jules We need a hashtag Selfie!" He squealed femininely. I laughed and got my phone out.

"Say  Sexy!" I yelled at everybody. We got the crowd in the background screaming "Sexy!" as Jack and I grinned.

"Say sexy," I mumbled. Jack grinned at me.

"You remember?" He asked softly. I nodded. He grinned bigger as he wrapped me in a bear hug. He spun me around and I giggled. He set me down but didn't let go of me. I wrapped my arms around his waist. He sighed in contentment. I smiled softly and continued to hug my best friend.


She was coming back to me. My Jilli was slowly starting to make her way back to me. I laid in the guest room scrolling through my pictures. One of myself and Juliet during Splatter Art Tour came up. I smiled thinking about the months we spent together on that tour. I wondered to myself if she would remember it. About that time, there was a knock on the door before it slowly crept open.

"Hey." Juliet greeted me. She entered the room and sat by my feet at the end of the bed. "Whatcha looking at?" She asked, her voice as soft as a kitten. I patted the space beside me on the bed. She laid back beside me. I showed her the picture of us. She smiled. "The first tour we went on together. Splatter Art with We Are The In Crowd." She curled up closer to me, her head on my chest. "You're very warm." She informed me. I put my arm around her shoulders. "I don't know why I said yes to Cody again. I only get hurt." She admitted. I set my phone on the bed stand.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking down at her face. She sucked in a deep breath.

"I wish I was with you." I stared into her icy blue eyes.

"I wish you were, too." I hugged her close to my body. "I really wish you were mine."

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