Chapter Fourteen

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Jamie and I had set up water buckets everywhere and wired triggered pie rigs all over the venue. We had eaten some fried chicken from the catering tent before going our separate ways. I hummed Aliens Exist by Blink-182 on my way back to All Time Low's tour bus. I was almost back when my cell started ringing. I glanced at the caller ID before answering. 

"Hey, Missy. What's going on?" I greeted her. 

"Hey, I just got a call from the label. It's a new song soon or we lose our record deal." I could feel things slip out of my control. Everything I could feel came crashing down. I started to hyperventilate, slowly lowering myself to the ground so I wouldn't collapse and hurt myself. I slowly forced myself to calm down. I heard Jack calling for me, but instead, I got up and started to walk away, out of the venue parameters. 


At four in the morning, I stumbled back onto the All Time Low bus. The door closed behind me and Jack came running out.

"Juliet! Where were you?!" he shouted, not caring if he woke the others. He came closer to me and tightly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. It was for him to know I was actually here. He ran his hand down my hair, his head resting on top of mine. 

"I went for a walk..." 

"Alone in a random city?" he demanded. "What were you thinking?!" 

"Silent Sound will lose its record deal if I do not start sending them songs," I admitted quietly. Jack held me tighter.

"Go get showered," he commanded. "Then next time, come find one of us, Vic, Alex, Rian, Jaime, and we can talk it out. Okay?" His voice was soft as velvet but authoritative at the same time. I nodded submissively. I went to the bathroom, grabbing clean pajamas on the way.

In the shower, I thought. I still wanted Jack so bad that it hurt! I knew what I wanted, but I wasn't deserving enough to get it. Good things come to those who deserve it. Soren was right. I belonged with the other snakes. After I got out of the hot water and dressed, I didn't want to be in my bunk alone. I crawled in bed with Jack. He was curled up under his Raven's sheets and Adventure Time blanket, wearing just his basketball shorts.

His body was warm and made me just want to be closer to him. I put my head on his chest and my hands on his stomach. His arms sleepily snaked around me, holding me tightly, but softly. I breathed in his scent. It washed over me when he pulled the covers up over us more. I sighed contently, hearing his heartbeat faintly. I felt his breathing even out more.

I fit so perfectly in his strong arms. I smiled up at the sleeping man. I gently and softly kissed his beautiful, soft lips. I snuggled back into his bare chest.

"Goodnight, Jacky, "I mumbled, not caring if he was already asleep. "I love you." I fell asleep warm and comfortable but confused and hurt. I had no purpose or direction. I was a train wreck.


A/N: I finally update! I am so sorry! To make it up to you all, I am also posting a new mini-chapter for all my Play Pretend fans! I accidentally lost the second part to that, so... oops... Hope you enjoyed your holidays! ~The Rutabaga

Updated A/N: I could have done so much more with this book. I refuse to change it though. I won't change the essence of something that made young me so proud.

Clinging To Hope (Jack Barakat)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora