Chapter Five

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Two days after my conversation with Jack, Set It off stumbled in.  I was terrified to see Cody but very excited to see my favorite male drummer- Maxx Danziger. When Louis saw me, he hugged me tightly, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Hóla, Chica!" He yelled, proud of the slight Spanish he knew. I had a Spanish background, having had it yelled at me most of my life by my family. Being half Spanish had something to do with it, I believe.

"¡Oye! ¿Cómo estás? Te ves bien. ¿Cómo está Pistol? ¡Extraño a ese gato! Necesito visitarlos a los dos pronto."

I rattled off. He looked confused, not understanding that much of the language. I always loved Maxx like a brother. Annoying, but still fantastic and fun to be around.

"I don't know what you-" he was cut off an attack by the boys of All Time Low, Dan Clermont among them. I turned away, laughing, and started to walk away when someone grabbed my hand. I knew who it was. I had memorized every part of them so well. I knew, but I wanted to be wrong. I turned to be face to face with Soren.

"Can we talk? Please?" He begged. His bright blue eyes stared into my electric blue ones. I nodded submissively.  We walked out on stage where nobody else was. Cody turned to me when we were center stage. He took both of my hands in his. He watched me nervously. I didn't want to be here around him. I hurt him, now I was afraid that he was going to hurt me. Pain is something I had grown used to. The emotional pain was too easy for me to face and accept. I was not wanting more, however.

"Juliet, I want to know if maybe... We could- ya know-" His nervous attempts at speaking turned into something so rushed that I couldn't understand a word. He was the Cody I fell in love with- kind of nerdy and nervous, still silly and sweet. I remembered how much I loved him and how much I needed him. My love, my oxygen, my Cody.

"Yes. I want to give us another try. I have faith we can do it." I supplied him with the right words. Cody smiled thankfully.

"Thank you." The man broke out into a huge grin. He drew me close and kissed me deeply. I smiled against his lips and kissed back. I felt happier than I had in months. Cody's arm wrapped around my waist, his hand was on the back of my neck, keeping me even closer.

We were interrupted by a wolf whistle from not other than Alexander William Gaskarth, who had come to see Jack. May their secret relationship live on!

"OTP! OTP!" He chanted. I flipped him off but gave him a hug all the same. He grinned and hugged me back. "How are you, beautiful?" He asked me.

"Awesome! How is the Missus?" Alex and Lisa had been married a few months. Their relationship was going amazing! We were all expecting kids from them soon. Crew members had already set the stage, so All Time Low came out for soundcheck.

"Get off the stage!" Rian yelled. I put my hands up in surrender before jumping off. Everybody else followed suit. Then, the planning began.

Set It Off stayed for the show. This time, it was a real show. I bounced around, made inappropriate jokes, screwed up the setlist, talked, and later, pranked All Time Low. I felt good. I felt like Juliet. I was happy, I was smiling, I was laughing, and I was having fun. I didn't realize how much I missed playing music and having fun. After the show, we started a fire and sat around talking and drinking.

"It is on, Thunder!" Alex had declared as he walked out of the venue, finally getting the green dye I had doused him in out of his locks. Alex and Jack were acting like a couple more than normal, cuddling up to one another. It was hilarious. 

Later that night, Jack and Alex slept together in the bunk under me. I couldn't resist my fangirl-like urge. I took a photo and posted it on the various social media websites, all with the caption, 


They loved it, clearly. Attention was something they loved. The more eyes on them, the happier they were. I didn't understand it. Then again, I was the girl who was meant to be backstage. I was in the wrong place and I could feel it. That was not where I belonged. 

Clinging To Hope (Jack Barakat)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora