Secrets Float

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Three days Later

POV: Jillian

Jack and I woke up together on the sofa in my living room. I didn't want to get up or wake up. I felt so safe and warm in Jack's strong arms.

"Good morning, cutie." Jack greeted me, his voice husky from sleeping.

"Morning." I said back before curling up against his chest, wanting more sleep and to hold onto the safe feeling Jack gave off. I felt his arm under my leg, then I was being lifted up and carried off. I clung to Jack's shirt. "Jacky! Put me down! I want to be free!" I yelled, extending my arms like I was a bird wanting to fly.

"Sorry, little robin. Forgot that you needed to stretch your wings." He said before setting me down on the island counter in the kitchen. He stood between my legs, his hands on either side of me. I smiled at him. He still looked a little sleepy: his hair was a mess and his glasses were falling down his nose. He looked absolutely adorable. He also looked a tad nervous. He licked his lips. "Jillian, I've been thinking..." he did it again.

The stupid boy wet his lips again and it drove me a little crazy. I wanted to lean forward and press my lips to his and not let him go until he promised to stop doing that. But I didn't. I held back. I nodded, telling him to continue.

"Maybe you should get out of NYC. Get a new beginning." He looked down at where his hand was in proximity to mine before lacing his fingers with mine. "A new life." He looked in my eyes. "Maybe a new life in Baltimore... Maybe a new life in Baltimore... a life with me." I was stunned. I didn't respond; I couldn't. Instead of answering him, I leaned in and connected our lips. "I'll take that as a yes." He mumbled against my lips before pressing back. I pulled away after a few moments.

"I'll start packing." I smiled and slipped off the counter, my hips rubbing against his as I moved off the edge. I walked back the hallways and into my room. I shut my door behind me and began to get stuff out. Most of my boxes and suitcases were in my closet. I started to rummage through my closet to find the boxes, but instead I came across a box.

The box was heavy, but sealed shut with tape. I raised an eyebrow. I brought the box out and sat down against my bed. I ripped open the tape and opened the box.

Inside the box were baby things. A pink baby blanket, a baby book, but at the bottom were pictures, a copy of a birth certificate, and a copy of an adoption certificate. I looked at the birth certificate.

"Name: Alanna Jillian Pauley

DOB: Feburary 12, 2016

Mother: Jillian Renee Thunder

Father: Alan Anthony Ashby"

I gasped. With shaky hands, I picked up a picture. It was me with a newborn ginger baby. I looked like a hot mess, but happy. Beside me was Aaron and Jaiden Pauley, both of them grinning just as happily as me. Then it hit me. Jaiden was trying to get me to remember my daughter. She had had a break down because she had called me by my daughter's name. My daughter became Aaron and Jaiden's daughter. Aaron and Jaiden's daughter died. My daughter was dead.

"Jack!" I yelled, my breathing becoming heavy. "Jack!" I screamed. He came running into my room. He looked around at my room before his eyes landed on me and what I had in my hands.

"Oh, Jillian. Jaiden wanted to tell you so bad, but Aaron still blames himself more than Jaiden knows and he doesn't like bringing it up. I wish Jaiden could have told you, but she's already almost lost Aaron four times. I don't think she wanted to risk it again." Jack explained. I nodded blankly.

"I want to hear everything from Jaiden." I demanded. Jack sighed.

"Warped ends in three weeks. Can you wait until she and Aaron get back home?" He asked. I nodded. He came over and sat down next to me. "Until then, I can help you piece everything back together."

For the rest of the day, Jack and I sat together talking about Alanna, my time pregnant with her, the times we went together to see her, and how I was Aunt Jilli to her instead of Mommy, but the smile on Jaiden's face when she told us about Alanna saying Mama to her for the first time. He told me about how one time I had thought Jaiden was sick while we were in the market together, but instead she was sexually frustrated over her and Aaron playing a little game of sending each other pictures. I laughed, almost cried, and stayed on the floor, with the man I was falling in love with's arm around my shoulders.

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