Epilogue (Part II) ;

Start from the beginning


She heard her name, jerking around in alarm and looking around in search for the source of the all too familiar voice.

"Is someone there?" She called uncertainly; convinced it was only her imagination. She waited for a split second and was about to leave when the crunch of boots and the rustle of cloth made her freeze.

Then, through the shadow of the trees a figure emerged, the once long, jet black hair now cut short , brushing his shoulders. Black eyes flickered mysteriously and there was a lopsided smirk on his pale face. But despite the swagger, he could not disguise the hesitation and uncertainty in each step. Joan felt a strangled whisper work its way up her throat.


As impossible as it was, he stood before her. How could she not recognize the same, dark eyes once filled with malice now etched with warmth? The familiar pointed jaw she had once caressed tantalizingly close, as was the man– demon– who once lay dying in her arms.

"Hello Joan." He greeted with the same, smooth voice that had become a distant memory. Her startled heart began to race. "You look as beautiful as ever."

In response, she took a step back, hands covering her mouth as she struggled to find something to say. The world had come to a sudden, confusing halt. Her brain tried to process what was happening.

This can't be real. He can't be alive.

"You're not real." She said in a hushed whisper, shaking her head. "I'm going mad. You died. You can't have come back." She gripped her hair with her hands, willing the apparition of Avander away.

But Avander refused to leave. He stalked closer, placing his hands on either side of her head and gently lowering her wrists. She stared up at him uncertainly, torn between suspicion and disbelief.

"If I weren't real," He murmured cheekily. "Would I be able to do this?"

His lips brushed hers softly, then pressed down. In that moment Joan forgot everything, losing herself completely in the act of kissing him, whether he was all real or not. Then abruptly she pulled back, laying her forehead against his. Tears began to flow for the first time in a while.

"How?" She croaked. "How is this possible?"

Avander stroked her face gently, brushing back the tears. "There is only one person who could be held responsible." He said with a grin. Joan's eyes widened as understanding dawned upon her.
"Heidi." The two murmured in unison.
"But still." Joan questioned further. "Where have you been? How did you come back? Are you–are you still a demon?"

He chuckled softly, clearly amused with the questions she bombarded him with. "One at a time Joan! I don't understand much of it either. I 'm not really sure what I am anymore. I still feel the demon part of me, but I have no powers. I don't know if I'm immortal anymore either, although I rather not chance finding out. Being dead once was enough. "

"You've been, reincarnated?" Joan said, stunned. "In those last moments, Heidi–she..."

"She granted my wish." Avander grinned. "I wanted you to never be alone, and she made it so."

Joan grinned back, laughing in a way she had not done so in years.

"But where have you been all this time?" She asked curiously.

"Here and there." He shrugged. "I woke up in a place far away from here and it took me a while to get my bearings. Do you have any idea how difficult it is for a former demon to adjust to human life? I woke up in a dingy alley with nothing to call my own, not even clothes! It was a nightmare, working, living on the streets, getting into random fights, getting fired for starting random fights. But eventually I found my way here."

"Sounds like you had quite the adventure." She chuckled, trying to imagine Avander going from shop to shop in hopes of finding work. "I still can't believe it, you're here. Heidi has really performed a miracle."

"You can't get rid of me that easily." He said. "So... could I get a place to stay? I've been waiting here for the past three weeks and sleeping on the ground is starting to lose its charm."

"You slept in the graveyard for three weeks?" She repeated incredulously. "Why did you not take up lodgings at an inn? Better yet, why did you not reveal yourself every time I came by?'

He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly. "I spent most of the money I had getting to London, the remainder of which was spent on food. Turns out I need it to survive. Also, I would have revealed myself to you, I really wanted to. But I was not sure how to approach you. It's not every day you see a dead demon walking again."

"Did you think I would have blasted you to pieces if you had?" She demanded, arching a brow and scowling in annoyance. "I swear, you can be such a fool." Still keeping the annoyed expression on her face, she crossed her arms. "Still, I suppose I can't leave you here, now can I? You should make a good servant..." She mused, tapping her finger against her chin thoughtfully. Avander frowned at first, and then allowed a knowing grin to spread across his face. He slipped his arms around her waist and leaned forward.

"I'll do whatever my mistress commands." He whispered seductively, nuzzling his nose against her neck. "Although I have a few talents that you would find particularly pleasurable."

She pushed him away, rolling her eyes as she went. "Now really, we need to do something about your alibi. My servants think you are an acquaintance, while everyone else knew you as my fiancé. I had at first gone with the excuse that our engagement had been dissolved to avoid unnecessary questions, but now–well, it's quite a mess I should say."

"Not at all." He countered with a devious smirk. "You can simply inform anyone who asks that we have overcome our differences and are engaged again. And why pretend, when we can make it a reality?"

She opened her mouth to say something before his words truly registered. She stared at him for a full minute; as though deciding whether he was joking or not.

"Did you–did you just propose?" She questioned with a frown on her face. His devious smirk answered her question and she felt a chuckle escape her lips.
"Well, that was quite sudden. But you already know what my answer would be." She smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder, fingers entwining with his. She gazed back at the graves.

"Do you miss her?" Avander asked quietly.

"I do." Joan answered truthfully. "I wish she were here with us."
"The little devil is probably watching us now. I'm sure of it. You know how she loves happy endings." He glanced down at her. "And honestly, I think this is one happy ending I actually like."

"Now isn't that a first." Joan laughed, linking her arm with his and tugging him down the path.

"Come along Avander, let's go home."

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