Chapter Twenty Seven

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Warning: Massive information dump.

"I am the Godling, a child of both an Angel and a Demon."

Heidi sat across Joan, hands resting on her lap and face blank and unreadable. The study door was locked, the windows closed and curtains pulled over, flickering candles the only source of light in the room. Joan sat with an equally impassive look on her face, Avander standing behind her seat and following the conversation with interest. She had wished for the demon to leave the room so that she could speak with Heidi privately, however, the younger girl had insisted for him to be allowed to stay. Now, as Heidi made her declaration, Avander cocked an eyebrow skeptically.

"A child of both an Angel and a Demon?" He repeated. "You do realize that neither of the two reproduces?"

"Of course." Heidi said. "But I never said I was created by an act of mating. My creation came about by other means."

Avander opened his mouth to argue, but Joan held up hand to silence him. "She speaks the truth." She said calmly. "You saw her true form; it was a cross between both kinds. I think that is enough proof."

"How is it that you are not the least bit surprised by all of this?"

"My father spoke of the Godling in his journal." Joan said quietly. "In fact, it was a rather recurring theme." She turned to Heidi. "You came to him in his dreams to warn him about the coming conflict. You were the one who guided him in hiding this journal. You also informed him that his and my mother's death was inevitable."

"Yes." Heidi confirmed, and something close to sadness flashed in her blue eyes, as though the memory of it pained her. It was at that moment that Heidi looked older than her seven years, her face more lined and form more burdened than one would expect. But in a flash, it was all gone, her innocent face regaining its childish traits. "I had to ensure your protection and the safety of the three realms. Unfortunately it seems things have gone terribly wrong."

"What do you mean?" Joan asked, confusion appearing across her face.

"I shall explain." Heidi said. "You know much of what I shall be telling you, but it is important we start from the beginning."

"As I said, I am a creature of both Heaven and Hell, known as the Godling. I have powers similar to that of a God, but in a lesser degree. However, I am a force of destruction. If I will, or am prompted, I can eliminate Heaven, Hell and Earth. "

"Given my destructive and unpredictable nature, I have been kept in the custody of the Angels ever since my creation.  However it was foretold that once word spread of my existence, a war would ravage the three worlds in order to gain possession of me. This war started the day you sold your soul to Satan,and as we speak it rages, both in the ethereal realms and on Earth."

"So Hell wants you to help destroy Heaven." Avander said. "While Heaven is trying to keep everything in order. That's not very surprising."

"It's not that simple." Heidi said, shaking her head. "It's true; Hell wants to destroy Heaven so it can reign on Earth as well. But Heaven too wishes to destroy Hell. There are factions developing in both, with Heaven splitting into Angels who seek the destruction of Hell and Angels who wish to prevent the coming conflict. It is the same in Hell. There are those who want Heaven eliminated and there are those who wish to see the end of Hell, particularly the Fallen Angels who are allying with Heaven in hopes of regaining their place in it."

"And whose side are you on Heidi?" Joan asked.

"I take no sides. I have only one purpose,and that is to maintain the fragile balance that exists between the worlds." Heidi said at once. "And to do that, I need your assistance,for you are the–"

When Heaven meets HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora