Chapter Twenty Five

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The beating of wings was the only sound that penetrated the otherwise silent night. Soaring cross the dark, star strewn sky, I fixed my gaze below me, face screwed up in concentration as I searched for a familiar presence. However, my efforts came at nothing.

Where is she? I questioned, skimming over roof tops and then circling around the tower of a forlorn looking building. I landed soundlessly upon the conical roof and looked around, my mismatched eyes sweeping over my surroundings. There was a strange buzzing sensation in my chest, a tingling in my hands that I always felt in this state, but the power within me was restless. The buzzing feeling was far more prominent than usual. It was a sure sign that something terrible may have come to pass.

How could I have been so foolish? I asked myself. How could I have been so slow to act? I let him strike and did nothing but twiddle my thumbs idly. If anything happens to her, I shall be responsible.

Nothing could calm the feeling of distress that fluttered inside of me. I felt increasingly ashamed of the grievous mistake I had made by letting Joan out of my sight. However, it was true that the girl had been a few steps ahead of me as well. As amazing and impossible as it was, she had somehow masked her presence from me. I knew this was not a task she accomplish all on her own just yet. She had assistance, of course, and I knew exactly who could have provided that sort of help.

Spreading my wings, I launched myself upward, praying that I would not be too late. It was then that a powerful presence overwhelmed me, sending my whole being into panic. I let out an involuntary gasp, dread consuming me. There was only one being that vile, sinister presence could belong to.

Without wasting another minute, I followed the powerful force to its source. Less than a minute after I began tracking it however, the presence faded, now replaced by two more familiar presences.

Joan! My Mind screamed as I spotted an orange hue staining the indigo blanket of the night, heavy puffs of smoke rising like beasts into the air. It was amazing how the humans in the surroundings failed to notice it, however even from this far I could tell it was no ordinary fire.

With a quick swoosh of black and white feathers, I circled the burning building before diving head first into the flames. My whole body was suddenly enclosed in flickers of orange and yellow. However, I remained unharmed, passing through without a scratch. My bare feet made contact with the debris that littered the floor, looking around at the heaps of dead bodies in similar robes. Folding my wings, I trudged forward, meandering past the dead while smoke curled around me. After a few minutes of walking however,I soon found her.

Joan lay unconscious at my feet, a dagger lying near her hand and a decapitated body a little distance away. I looked from the boy to the knife, my apprehension reaching breaking point as I noted the power she must have gained in order to cleave a man's head clear of his shoulders.

There is still hope. I told myself, crouching down to help her. She still has her soul. It's not too late to turn things around just yet.

I was in the process of heaving the unconscious girl up when through the fire, Avander appeared. He looked as though he had been in a fight. His eyes first went to Joan, then drifted towards me and widened considerably. He was gawping at my appearance.

"Avander, there is no time to explain." I said quickly, rushing to him while supporting Joan's limp body. " Please, take Joan and go back to the mansion quickly. I will be right behind you two. He must still be around. "

At the mention of Him, I noticed the flicker of hesitation in those dark eyes. But, fortunately, he did not argue. I handed Joan to him and he took her in his arms as though cradling a child.

"Go quickly. I shall make sure we are not intercepted." I said and watched as black wings erupted from Avander's back. He cast one last, calculating glance at me before he took off, flying through the flames and smashing through the roof.

I paused, still looking around at the lifeless bodes that lay around me, my heart aching form all the bloodshed. I knew none of these people had been good, but it pained me to think of all the lives that had been wasted today and all the damage today's events had done. But there was nothing I could do for the dead. Uttering a quick prayer, I flew through the gap Avander had left behind him, rising above the silhouetted church building, making sure that all was clear. I could no longer sense him, but I knew he could be close by. I was sure he was watching me at that very moment and grinning with triumph at all the destruction he would soon cause.

"You will not win." I said in a low voice "I swear I shall never let you succeed."

And at that moment, where ever he may have been, I knew he had heard my vow.

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