Chapter Forty

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Dedicated to @italychick. Check out her book The Witch's Way and support her in the Wattys!

"Heidi." Rita called softly, entering the girl's room with a quick knock on the door. The little girl barely looked around at the sound of her name, perched upon the window ledge, staring both intently and sadly outside.

"Yes Rita?" She asked quietly.

"Erm– you have a few visitors." The maid said as she picked her way around the scatter of toys and books, confusion evident in her voice. "They asked for Lady Hale and then for you."
Heidi's face whipped around, looking suddenly very interested and alert. "Who are they?" She asked with a certain sharpness to her voice that startled Rita.

"They gave a name, a certain Mr. Gabriel."

She was on her feet at once, eyes alive. "Let them come in. I shall meet with them shortly." She told Rita, who stared in surprise at the sudden change in demeanor. Never had she seen Heidi so serious before.

"Heidi, I don't know if it's alright to allow them in. What with lady Hale no longer here..."

"Do not worry Rita, they are friends." Heidi said reassuringly, already halfway across the room. "They mean us no harm. They've come to help."

"Help–?" Rita called but Heidi was already gone, racing towards the Library. The house was silent, more than ever before. It seemed as though when Joan left, she took what little life the house had with her. The servants kept up their daily chores however, more out of habit than need. Still, everyone seemed quite lost by the end of the day, shuffling about the manor wondering what to do. Rita continued to prepare dinner for two, even though it was only Heidi who ate alone. Avander was barely seen, appearing to check on her and then disappearing, looking very grim and frustrated. Heidi had left him on his own, knowing she could do nothing to lift his spirits.

"Avander, are you here?" Heidi asked as she stepped into the library, sensing his presence. He appeared before in a whirl of smoke, mouth set in a straight line and eyes blank.
"You called?" He said voice flat. He had never spoken to her this coldly. Heidi however understood why he was acting in such a way; his mind was still on Joan's kidnap and she had a feeling he was blaming himself for letting it happen.
"There is someone downstairs here to meet us." She replied. "They can help us find Joan."
She sensed the change come over him, something close to excitement flashing in his eyes.
"Who are they?"



"Lady Godling." Greeted a man with stormy eyes and dark hair, his voice ringing with respect. Beside him, his two companions greeted Heidi with the same amount of respect . Heidi raised her hand to stop them.
"Please, no need for that." She told them. "I have a name now. I like to be called Heidi."
"As you wish, Heidi." Gabriel nodded. He was a young man, much too young to be one of the most respected Archangels. However, his eyes held great wisdom and strength of the ages, his movements calculated, everything about him perfectly balanced. It was obvious he was who he claimed to be.

Sitting in the grand room with the doors closed and curtains drawn, Avander assessed the new arrivals. The other two angels had introduced themselves as Meligard and Belefees, members of the original group of Heaven ; The First Faction.

The three men were dressed in similar white clothing, with the two beside Gabriel looking very uncomfortable in the presence of a demon. Avander wasn't too happy about being there either, the natural enmity between Heaven and Hell threatening to surface if he did not control himself. He kept his mouth shut and face blank for both Heidi and Joan's sake.

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