Chapter Thirty Six

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Warning: The following chapter contains  swearing and scenes of graphic violence.

The very foundations of the gallery seemed to quake as the two demons clashed, bursts of light and roars filling the hall, illuminating the damage and scatter of bodies. But the two demons were too busy to notice anything but one another. Their deadly dance grew fiercer and  more blood thirsty by the minute.

Javier and Avander flashed past each other in a blur, using only their hands as weapons. Sure enough their fingers were coated in the other demon's blood, bodies scarred and skin torn.

"You're holding up well." Javier smirked, licking some of the blood off his hands. "There was once a time when you wouldn't last a minute against me. Your blood is still the same though. Absolutely tasteless."

"Sorry to disappoint." Avander said, disappearing and reappearing behind Javier, smashing his elbow into the back of his neck. Javier fell towards the ground but regained control, twisting back and  allowing his foot to make contact with the side of Avander's face. He hurtled to one side, crashing into a wall and causing it to turn into another pile of rubble. Avander however did not stay down for long, raising his hands and sending a beam of black-red light at Javier.

The other demon managed to avoid it, but just as he twisted away missing the beam by a hair's breath, Avander appeared beside him, grabbing him by the hair and forcing another crackling ball of energy right into his face. The demon shrieked, falling back. As he looked up at him with his skin smoking slightly, Avander was pleased to see that part of Javier's face had been blasted away, small chunks missing from the raw  and bleeding skin. But as he watched Javier's face began to reform, the chucks of flesh regenerating and covering his exposed teeth and bones. Javier's left eye appeared in its socket, the grin on his face never faltering.

"Not bad, you almost had me there." He chuckled, feeling his newly formed face. "But I guess you'll have to try harder than that."

At this, Avander raised his hands once more, raining down a storm of glowing spear shaped forms. Javier weaved around them effortlessly, twisting and turning as though he were boneless. He materialized in front of Avander and lashed out, clawing at his stomach and ripping away a section of his flesh, watching blood fly in all directions. He burrowed deeper, groping for Avander's innards with the intent of wrenching them out when Avander clasped Javier's wrist, tearing his hand away from his wound. As he did, her grabbed his face and gave a sharp pull. There was a strange, sickening sound similar to that of fabric ripping and Javier's arm was torn off his shoulder, flesh, sinew and threads of ligaments clinging until they snapped. Javier howled in pain, lurching back and shaking violently from side to side as a steady stream of blood splattered across the walls. The arm in Avander's hand twitched and then dissolved into smoke.

The two demons glared at each other, one clutching his side and willing his wounds to heal, while the other gripped the bloody lump that remained of his arm. Javier growled for once his nonchalant attitude slipping.

"Bastard." He thundered, his voice vibrating with fury. "Fuck you. You ripped off my arm."
"What's wrong Javier?" Avander taunted, his own skin slowly knitting together, the bleeding less profuse. "Can't heal that? I thought an injury as trivial as that wouldn't be too much of a trouble for someone who always boats about his power. It's a shame though, because that tongue of yours in next."
Despite his anger, Javier laughed. I was a sound devoid of humor but laced with malevolence. "Okay, I admit you've gotten the better of me. But that just means I should stop holding back. "

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