Chapter Eight

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The shadowy, winding streets were silent and empty. Houses on either side stood like brooding giants, their windows dark, signaling that the occupants were fast asleep. The moon's presence graced the night time sky, but the clouds did not allow any light to break through. Despite the fact that I knew I was perfectly alone, I did not stop for a break, not even to catch my breath. It was cold and I felt as though my whole body would freeze over, but I kept going. I stumbled through the darkness, knowing that to now stop would prove to be a great mistake.

Hurry. I told myself. Hurry, or they'll catch you.

My pursuers had been momentarily thrown off my trial, but I knew they would catch up soon. I hovered for a few seconds in the shadow of a doorway, my eyes darting left and right, searching through the gloom for...something. I glanced upwards, looking at the rooftops and chimney's silhouetted against the indigo sky. At once, something moved. A shadow darted over head, jumping over the rooftops. I jumped to my feet, panic flaring in my heart as I started running again down the cobbled alleyways.

As I ran, I chanced a glance behind me, only to find three horrible shapes taking to the sky and racing across the rooftops after the first shape. Their cruel, maniacal laughter rang in my ears as I twisted around a corner. Something landed in my path with a low thud. A dark shadow loomed over me as the horrid creature leered.

"Get away!" I shouted, my hand shooting forward and pushing at the air. At once the creature was flung out of my path and without a backwards glance I ran off, knowing it would be hot on my heels as soon as it recovered from my blow.

I passed many dark windows reflecting my pale face back at me. My mind continued to urge my legs on, carrying me through the streets.

I turned into another street, rushing past mounds of garbage. Distantly I could hear the sound of claws scraping against the ground as my pursuers pressed on. I spotted a drainage pipe attached to the side of a house. It looked sturdy enough to take my weight so I put one of my bare feet on the rung, hoisting myself up and scrabbling against the rusty metal. The sounds of heavy breathing and scarping were closer now. As I doubled my efforts in climbing, something grabbed me by the head and wrenched me away from the pipe, dragging me across the dirty ground. I kicked and struggling, trying to break free. Then I felt myself rise a little and found I was dangling of the ground by my hair. The brute that had grabbed me laughed and I caught a whiff of its putrid breath, stinking of rot and decay.

I struggled once again, lashing out at the creature and sending a burst of light flying from my hand. It struck the creature in the face, causing it to let go of me and howl in pain, clutching at its face. I scuttled away and clambered up the pipe, not stopping to look back until I had reached the roof.

I came onto a sloping, tiled roof, struggling to keep my balance. Getting on all fours to prevent myself from tumbling over I scoped out my surroundings, contemplating on which way to run. But my pursuers did not give me the chance to do so. They were already making their way towards me, running up the sides of the house as though gravity did not exist. I struggled onto my feet and ran across the roof, slipping and stumbling over loose tiles. My followers were at a greater advantage than I was. They moved effortlessly, bounding after me, quickly gaining on me.

I approached the end of the roof where a small gap greeted me. Without thinking I jumped and landed onto the other building. It wasn't a good landing. My legs buckled underneath me and I rolled, almost falling off the roof. Regaining my balance I continued my sprint, jumping form one roof top to the other, acting on instinct alone. However, at one point I came to the edge of one rooftop and found that the next building was too far away to continue. A large street ran below me, empty now by bustling in the morning.

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