9-Plato's secret

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The crossbones was designed to look like the Italian light aircraft carrier called the Cavour. Named after Camillo Benso,count of Cavour,who was an Italian statesman and a leading figure in the Italian unification movement. The characteristics matched the original,making it an almost exact replica.

It was 800 feet long but only had 350 spaces for crew members. This is what made it different from the actual cavour. Riley Lynch walked down the hall to containment cell 12. He typed in numbers on the key pad to open the bulky door. It popped. He entered and let his bodyguard toss the book from the tomb on her desk.

The shadow of lynch shaded the woman's face.

"Read the book. Decipher it's meaning. You have three hours. Knock on the door when you're finished." He said.

The woman breathed in fear as lynch left her alone in the lamplight. "Open the back hatch. I'm expecting two zodiacs full of my men.

One of the zodiacs stayed far behind from the other. The lead zodiac entered the carrier from behind as the front of the carrier faced the mysterious pillars of hercules. It kept it's position and awaited orders from the leader,who awaited on his prisoner to uncover the next location.

Once the first zodiac was emptied,the second entered and the hatch finally closed. Two men were on that last zodiac. The two wore black cargo pants and black combat jackets. This was the mercenary attire. The two grabbed their rifles and walked into the ship on the man's floors.

The two heard the voice of the ship's commander.

"Go and check on the prisoner and sed if she's knocking yet." He said.

"Yes sir." His loyal merc walked through the halls. The younger of the two mercs looked at his older partner and motioned down the hall.

The two began to follow the merc down the maze of corridors. The carrier's interior really had a military feeling to it. The walls had the appearance of a prison hall. Once the young,loyal merc saw cell 12,he stopped and there was silence. After three minutes,the merc walked away to report to his master.

Only the two mercs were in the hall now. It was quite in this part of the ship. The older man sighed in relief.

"Damn. This was a quick arrangment to the plan." Tom said in the merc uniform.

"Tell me about it. Thank god for those unconscious soldiers on the shore." Drew said.

Tom tapped drew's shoulder "That damn stunt of yours probably knocked the poor bastards out cold.
Luckly that plane debris didn't kill any tourists."

Drew looked at tom. "Well we relieved the men of their uniforms. Even if they are kind of itchy."

"So what makes you think this prisoner has the book?" Tom asked.

"Well obviously, lynch didn't just bring this person on board for a vacation. And besides,he'd rather leave the book in someone else's hands to solve it for him." Drew began knocking hard on the door to cell 12.

He then grabbed tom's arm and dashed down the corridor.

"Oww. What the hell!" He angily whispered. Drew looked at him "Shhhh." The young merc came to the keypad.

Drew rushed to the door and by the time he had the door code in,drew was right behind him.

"Huh!" The merc cried in confusion. Drew sent a flat hand to his throat,silencing him.

The two grabbed the body of the man with a crushed wind pipe. They shoved him inside of the cell.

"What's going on?!" The woman at the desk asked. Drew looked up and she knew his face right then and there.

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