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"For all that we have here,lying within the mouth of which we speak,is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense,a continent."


The flames devoured thousands of years of history. The two story house that he layed in was slowly falling apart. Bookcases burned along with the walls, which contained symbols and artifacts.

Trapped under a burning piece of wood, Andrew Fox saw his incoming death. With his free hand,he reached for his pocket book. A coin medallion with a chain lace once hang low on his neck but was now inscribed in a pocket book

He stared at the picture of his stolen medallion in the book.

He clutched book in his hand while blood dripped from his lower lip. He looked at the drawing of the coin.

"Are you really worth all this?" He asked the object.With his remaining strength,he pulled himself backwards out of the debris.

The light from the flames illuminated the drawing of the medallion that held one mystery the world could never find."Drew!" a manly voice yelled. Andrew looked around


Legacy: Cloaked TruthsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora