Torn between two Elves

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Another beautiful morning filled with Legolas romance expectations, I quickly got dressed and literally ran downstairs where I found King Thranduil, my mother and Lesly. "Good morning! Has anyone seen Legolas?" I asked, smiles were plastered on each of their faces as I said his name. "No, he is getting ready for something but all he said was see you tonight and wear a dress." my mother said politely and she looked at King Thranduil with a smile.

I smiled to myself and spent the whole day in my room reading books and wondering what on earth was I gonna wear. As I did the final touches on my hair making sure all of my hair was up and neat. Hoping none would fall down. I looked out of the window and noticed it was night time. Was Legolas coming? Or did he got tired of proving our love is real?

Before I could get all emotional and mellow dramatic there was a sudden knock on the door, my heart soared with joy. I then skipped to the door and opened to see the face I have longed all day to see. He smiled warmly at me and without thinking and without hesitation I threw my arms around his neck pulling him in a loving embrace. He hugged back even tightly and said "Are you ready to go on our special date?" his eyes twinkling with excitement. Making me even more excited. I nodded my head like a little kid making him giggle. He then took my hand and the thing that surprised me was as we entwined hands along the hallway was all the people I know and some of the village people.

My eyebrows shot up and Legolas just grinned, and as we passed them they would throw white and red rose petals. I giggled and squealed as we made our way again towards the lake we were at yesterday but this time the small boat was filled with candles and Gimli was on the boat wearing an elvish tunic. He looked as if he was forced to wear it. I giggled to myself as he started trying to speak in Elvish, he looked up trying to remember the words "Mae Govan-- Ah! Lassie! Welcome to your ride!" he blurted out clearly frustrated with elvish words. Me and Legolas laughed as we stepped foot on the boat going to our destination.

I looked around the lake and saw that the candles were floating in the water, it was so beautiful that it literally took my breath away but still just the sight of Legolas was breathless. He was so sweet and he knew how to sweep me off my feet. "Where are we going?" I asked as I looked into the beautiful blue pools of Legolas' eyes. He smiled and his eyes looked up and as I turned around my jaw dropped. Yesterday the lake and waterfall was amazing but now there was no words to describe how beautiful it was. The whole place was glowing silver and blue like an enchantment. I think this had something to do with Gandalf.

The waterfall was sparkling as it hit the lake and there was like a small cliff behind the waterfall it was too beautiful. We then arrived to a small plain that leaded behind the waterfall, Legolas being the gentleman he really is helped me out of the boat by carrying me by my waist and gently putting me on the plain away from the water. "My lady." he said as he offered his hand which I gladfully accepted he then led me behind the waterfall where sat a table for two and candles all over with red rose petals. "Do you usually do something like this before?" I asked, simply flattered and touch by the romantic gesture.

He chuckled and said "We didn't have dates this much often." My eyebrows furrowed and I said "But aren't we suppose to get married?" "You realized it a little bit too late, we decided to finally get married right before you died." he said making me bite my lower lip. God I sounded like a stuck up girl before, but then he sat me at the table and we enjoyed our little dinner that was displayed which was consist of fruits, meat and soup. As we talked and ate our dinner he then stood up and went beside me asking "May I have this dance?" I giggled and pointed out, "But there is no music." then he said "You have no memories of me yet you are here with me." he had a point. I rolled my eyes and accepted the dance even though I already knew I was gonna dance with him since I have been dying to be near him today.

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