Singing in the middle of the Forest

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        "Lesly?" I whispered as I slowly got up from my bed but soon felt pain shoot through my body like Mumakils walking on my back. I hissed from the pain then Lesly soon held my back to support me then said "Easy there! I'll tell you everything." She helped me rest back to bed then sat in a chair beside my bed.

"How?" I asked. My eyes not daring to look at anything else because it felt like if I do she might disappear. She giggled but her next move was what really shocked me. She put some of her brown hair behind her ear to reveal pointed ears. My jaw dropped.

She giggled again at my reaction and said "Yes, I was an elf all along sent by Eru himself. To keep eyes on you." I was speechless, my foster sister who I have known for 20 years was actually an Elf. "You knew all along?" I asked. She nodded "What about out parents?" I asked another question. "They are actually spirits from Middle Earth in the form of a human. They are reunited with Eru now." she said. "Wow! Lesly, I can't believe you're here!" I said with joy in my voice.

"My name is actually Leslyanna, but people call me Yanna." she said. "Where are you from exactly? Like what's your life story?" I asked, she explained to me how she is from Rivendell and Lord Elrond asked her to go on a mission. How she has a husband and three adorable kids. For some strange reason I envied her life, it was so easy, so simple, so full of happiness. While mine is confusing and hard.

We were catching up telling things about each other that's when I realized I actually had a friend to turn to, a friend who won't fall in love with me.

"So you say that you only admit Legolas is your love when you're sad or in danger but it's Haldir when you are safe and being yourself?" Yanna asked, I nodded and played with my fingers. She sighed and said "That's hard to choose but I suggest you give Legolas a chance." "Why?" I asked as if it was an offensive thing to say. She laughed as she stood up to walk towards the door and said "You fell in love with him once, you can do it again. You also agreed to marry him so there must be something about him that catches your heart." she was right. If I agreed to marry him there must be something I loved about him. She smiled then walked out the door.

That's when I heard someone enter the room, I look up to see Legolas. He smiles widely and so did I. "Hello there!" he said as he closed the door. "Hey." I replied lamely. He sat in the seat next to my bed where Yanna used to sit. "How you feeling?" he asked, he is so concerned for my well being and here I am wondering where Haldir is. Gosh! I hate myself.

"I feel safe." I said, he just smiled and put his right hand on my cheek. stroking it. "I promise you Ana, you will remember everything." he said, I just sighed. Ready to tell him something I didn't want to but have to "Legolas... maybe it's better to leave the past in the past." I said, he flinched then said "Give me a week to make you remember.... please." as he bowed his head down.

I sighed and muttered "Ok.. but you are wasting your time." he just smiled and kissed my forehead and said "If any of my time is spent with you it is not wasted." As he jogged out of the room and did a small jump making me giggle.

Quickly my face frowned knowing no matter what Legolas say or do is not enough to make me remember and in order for me to stop the pain. I have to let go of the past and start fresh. Maybe this is what my destiny is trying to tell me, maybe me and Legolas aren't meant to be.



The next day I was already healed. It surprised me how an Elf could heal really fast. My mother and Yanna had to calm me down from freaking out because it wasn't human but I always forgot that I wasn't human.

I was strolling the forest of Mirkwood wondering and thinking what ever happened in these woods? What adventures I had? It was suddenly getting cold in Mirkwood because there was a storm in the Misty Mountains making the snow blow towards Mirkwood.

I hugged my dark green cloak tighter and looked around the beautiful forest of Mirkwood. Tall trees stood there looking like they could touch the sky, their leaves showed different kinds of shade of green, their shadows danced on the ground as the sun shined brightly.

I laughed at myself, the mature side of me telling me I should let go of the past but the Elleth in me, the Woodland-Elf in me, my soul telling me that my memories are just right around the corner. I started to realize how my life is the same as a movie back on earth. Princess Anastasia, I laughed at the thought but still wondered if I will also have my happy ending?

I started skipping through the forest singing the song 'Journey to the past' from the movie Princess Anastasia, (on the side is a video of the song)

Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here

I chuckled and realized how foolish am I to sing a song in the middle of a forest. but I was too happy to care at the moment. Just kicking a small rock in front of me.

People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear

I look from side to side looking if anybody is watching, don't wanna be caught singing in the middle of the forest.

Or how the road can seem so vast

On this journey to the past

I sang as I twirled around the forest like a child running free for the first time.

Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong

I sang as I stood in the middle of a dirt road.

Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted
Finally home where I belong

I ran quickly to a tree and hugged it like it was my friend.

Well starting here my life begins
Starting now I'm learning fast
On this journey to the past

I sang as I ran to the edge of a pond not far away from me. Just staring at my reflection in the water.

Home, love, family
There was once a time
I must've had them too

I sang as my mother, my father, Yanna and my family came into my head.

Home, love, family
I will never be complete until I find you

I sang as I ran deep into the forest.

One step at a time
One hope then another
Who knows where this road may go

I sang as I leaned into a tree.

Back to who I was
Onto find my future
Things my heart still needs to know

I sang again once I sang YES! I kicked the group of leaves on the ground making them fly up

Yes, let this be a sign
Let this road be mine
Let it lead me to my past

I climbed the tree remembering something from my past a bit.

To bring me home

I sang as I looked at the view of the palace of Mirkwood.

At last

I sang a high pitch but before I could finish it someone was clapping their hands.


Sorry guys if this one is short. It was meant to be short. but soon the good parts are coming especially the one week that Legolas will prove to Ana that she could remember. Stay tuned. Thank you for supporting and reading!

It has only Begun. [Sequel to 'I am no man']Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt