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Once again I do not own any LOTR characters and most of my pictures I found in Google. And the songs belong to the artist of the song. but I do own Anastasia RedStar, Lesly / Leslyanna, Lady Eleanor Forester (Anastasia's mom) and I also own the plot of the story but I got the six smiles idea from the movie 'Win a date with Tad Hamilton' sorry for that. Just wanted to get that out.


I woke up and found that I was in my room, feeling disappointed as I looked around and spotted no blond headed blue eyed Elf. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them feeling lonely.

Until I heard a knock at the door, I quickly got up and went to my mirror to fix my hair just in case it was Legolas at the door. I looked down and saw that I was still in my clothes from yesterday except without my boots, I rolled my eyes and called out "Come in!!" I turned around to face the door and be as poised as I can.

But to my disappointment it wasn't him. "Mae Gavonnen Ana!!" Leslyanna greeted me. "Good Morning!" I said, my voice obvious that I was disappointed. Leslyanna giggled and said "Thought it was somebody else ey?" I rolled my eyes and faced my mirror looking into my green eyes. Leslyanna went behind my and put her hands on shoulders and said "Miss me?"

I looked up to her and asked "Where have you been?" she chuckled and said "Now you've noticed, I went to earth and learned something new." "What did you learn something new? That you can bring another human and tell them that they were to marry Legolas too?" I asked, Leslyanna scowled and said "Why don't you come with me and find out for yourself?" I rolled my eyes and quickly took a bath and changed into a simple gown.

Once I was done, Leslyanna was pushing me and dragging me towards the throne room.

"Jeez Lesly! Why are we rushing?" I asked as she pushed me to the top of the staircase with the view of the whole throne room and it surprised me and shocked me at the same time.

Many people were standing at the side and some were sitting, King Thranduil and my mother were at their thrones and Legolas stood in the middle of the clearing in the throne room wearing a dark green tunic with black leggings, brown light cloth boots and his circlet. He looked nervous.

I was soon nervous too.

"Go to the bottom of the staircase and stay their until someone gets you." Leslyanna whispered in my ear then winked then she went to the side where stood a wooden piano. I walked down the staircase my heart light on my feet and I felt like the whole world stopped just to watch me and Legolas stare at each other intensely.

Soon Leslyanna started playing the Piano, I guess that what she has been learning in earth. It was a beautiful melody as if the birds could sing to it but something else sounded that sounded more beautiful and it was coming from Legolas, He was singing:

(The Video is on the side, I suggest you listen to it)

It's her hair and her eyes today
That just simply take me away

And the feeling that I'm falling further in love
Makes me shiver but in a good way
All the times I have sat and stared
As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
And she purses her lips, bats her eyes
And she plays with me sittin there slacked jaw
And nothing to say
Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again
It's a masterful melody
When she calls out my name to me
As the world spins around her
She laughs, rolls her eyes
And I feel like I'm fallin but it's no surprise
Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
But I'd rather be here than on land
Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again

Soon he started walking towards me, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the middle of the room. Looking deep into my eyes and not releasing my hand.

It's her hair and her eyes today
That just simply take me away
And the feeling that I'm falling further in love
Makes me shiver but in a good way
All the times I have sat and stared
As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
As she purses her lips, bats her eyes
And she plays with me sittin there slacked jaw
And nothing to say
Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
But I'd rather be here than on land
Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again

Once he was done I was in tears, he chuckled as everybody applauded but the applause increased when I crashed myself into Legolas arms, wrapping my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I was only up to his neck so it was no problem.

"Thank you!" I whispered as my tears melted into his tunic. He chuckled and kissed my head. He pulled away wiped my tears away with his thumb then kissed the tip of my nose, he touched the necklace I had around my neck and it glowed a bright green like what happened in forest of Lothlorien.

I was happy. Legolas' voice was so.... was so.... I mean I don't even have any words that can describe how his voice sounded amazing. The rest of the day continued on, with me, Legolas, Leslyanna, and the people of Mirkwood dancing and singing including my mother and King Thranduil.

I went over to Leslyanna and said "That was so amazing Lesly! Thank you!" as I hugged her. She hugged me back and said "Welcome!" "This is the most funnest day of my life!!" I said to her as I pulled away. "Everyday used to be like this but when the Queen of Mirkwood was gone, there was never a day like this until this very moment." she said. "Why?" I asked.

"When the Queen was gone, Legolas was in deep grief that he promised that he would never sing since his last words to his mother was him singing. Ever since then nobody heard him sang till you came. Legolas is not only the best Archer in Middle earth but he is also the Fairest voice of them all." Leslyanna said over the music.

This touched the deepest part of my heart. And every moment passing my feelings towards Legolas grew more and more.

I was finally in love but I still had no proof that me and him were in love before that I even sacrificed my life for him.

Legolas' POV

I was nervous,

Yes! An Elf nervous.

I never sang over 2000 years and now I was to sing to Anastasia. I promised myself that I would never sing since my mother you know, was gone, but Anastasia was an exception. I was also nervous if she wouldn't like it or my voice wasn't like it was before.

I then saw her, Anya. My one true love who used to be my annoying childhood frienemy and now was one of the most precious person to me, the owner of my heart. My heart soared as I saw her. Looking more beautiful with each passing day. And When Leslyanna started to play the piano, I knew that I was about to sing.

We have been practicing this song all night, and now was the time.

I sang, looking deep into her eyes not breaking eye contact.

I am gonna make Anya remember me even if I have to make her fall in love with me all over again.

It has only Begun. [Sequel to 'I am no man']Where stories live. Discover now