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Was I alive?

Did anyone find me? Is anyone looking for me? Will I see my foster family again?

Questions were all that filled my mind as I was trapped in this blackness of nothing. Somehow I knew something like this would happen. Every single night since I can remember my first dream was always about golden hair and lightning, a beautiful forest with that golden hair King guy.

Just when I was about to give up all hope, I felt something on my skin. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in the water and my arm caught on some dirt that look like land. Great! I was in a river and have no idea where I am but good thing is, I was still alive.

I was weak from all the water that went into my lungs, with all my strength I pulled myself on the dirt land. I coughed out some water from my mouth and I lie down on the dirt as I tried to catch my breath. It was already night time and it was raining a bit. My lungs stung every time I inhaled.

I gotta find out where am I and how I can get back home. I got up slowly and looked behind me to see a wall made out of bushes. Not far away was a wooden gate with a small light. I limp towards the wooden gate wrapping my arms around me to keep the cold air away but it was no use since the clothes I was wearing was soaking wet luckily my bandanna was still on so no one can see my ugly pointed ears.

I knocked on the wooden gate and ignored the pain that shot through my knuckles as I knocked, I just wanted warm clothes and a comfy bed to stay until I can find my way home. Soon a small opening from the gate opened and out came a scruffy looking old guy with a lamp in his hand. "What business does a young lady like you have here in Bree?" he asked.

Bree? Where the hell is that? In Kansas?

"Umm.. I'm lost and I need a place to stay." I said as I shivered in the cold night. He looked me up and down and his eyebrows came together and leaded me inside the gate. "I suggest you go to the Prancing Pony since you are alone and don't go anywhere, it is dangerous around here." he said as he gave me directions on how to get to this Prancing or dancing pony place.

I carefully walked straight and saw people giving me weird glances. As I got to the prancing pony, I opened the door and closed it and felt the warm air touch my skin. I smiled for a bit but as I turned around my smile faded. There were old looking men sitting at tables just staring at me while drinking beer. I gulped but once a fat man came in front of me, people started talking again and playing low music.

"Welcome to the Prancing Pony! Call me Butterbur and How may I help you young one?" he asked me as he gave me a smile showing his teeth. "I.. I need a place to stay but I have no money." I said as I shivered, he rubbed his chin as he was thinking like what to do to me.

"Say what, I'll give you a place to stay and you'll work for me until you can earn money enough to go home." he said, well.. There ain't much to do and things these days aren't free. I nodded and said "Yes please. Do you happen to have a telephone? I can perhaps call my parents." but Butterbur looked at me and said "Telephone? I don't know who that is." he said as he led me towards a room where I could rest and change. 

He doesn't know what a telephone is? How long has this man been drinking?


        It's been months already since I have been here in Bree at the Prancing Pony, I have learned that well... This might sound crazy but I have learned that I wasn't in earth anymore. I was actually in Middle-Earth, it was hard to believe but once I saw a map I couldn't believed it and let's just say those three days that Butterbur and Linda, a very small person tried convincing me that I am no longer from my world was miserable.

I worked as a waitress at the Prancing Pony and did some small errands. I came to know all the ways in Bree, never have I set a foot outside Bree, legend says it's a dangerous business, walking out one's front door. I believe it, I set foot out my door back on earth and look where it got me.

I also had a secret, every night when Butterbur is fast asleep and Linda went home, I would climb out my window at night since my room was on the top floor and jump from building to building, looking and watching people as they did their business. No Perverted stuff though. Just listening on what's the gossip, people thought I was sweet and caring, some people said I was the lost daughter of Butterbur.

I still wore my bandanna because it's the first time people have not teased me or beaten me up and I love it. But this particular day I decided to wear a farmer's hat. Only Butterbur and Linda knew about my ears. I told them that I didn't understand but all Linda said was 'Soon you will understand'.

I was outside brushing the horses, wearing leggings with white vest and brown light cloth boots and my hat. I was humming to a song that Linda taught me until a horn was blown in the distance. I looked behind me and saw people running to the south gate. What was going on?

Butterbur came out and said in a strict voice that I have never heard from him "Ana! Get inside! These people cannot see you!" I did as I was ordered, as Butterbur took off running but as Linda passed me she said "I suggest you climb the buildings and see for yourself." as she winked. I guess I was caught.

I dashed off to my room and out my window, I quickly ran and jump to building to building. I passed the City Hall and finally arrived at a roof that had the south gate view. I looked and saw men with silvery blonde hair on horses, they were absolutely beautiful. The men was wearing tunics and all of them had broad shoulders and were really taller than the men and women of Bree.

But something caught my eye that made my heart leap into the air and touch the sky, they had pointed ears.

I tried backing away from the view, The group of men were talking to the mayor. But I couldn't make out what they were saying. All I wanted to do was run away, I finally found where I truly belong, but problem was would they accept me? Are they human? Am I related to them?

Questions again filled my head.

As the leader of the group got back on their horse, the wind blew hard blowing my hat off my head. I tried to catch it but my footing was wrong and I fell off the building into a cart of hay.

The bad thing was I screamed as I fell and the whole crowd at the south gate saw the fall but the worst thing was the group of pointed ear men approached me as I fell into the cart of hay. I felt a hand pull me up and once I stood up, I started to dust the hay off me not looking to who pulled me up, I touched my head but my hat wasn't there meaning it showed my ears.

People gasped as they saw me. "Anastasia?" Someone called my name, but I didn't know that voice it belong to someone new. I looked up and saw the pointed ear leader approach me and he called out again "Anastasia?"

My eyebrows came together as confusion filled my mind and heart. They knew me? Stalker much or am I that Famous? "How do you know me?" I asked as I took a step backward right beside Linda and Butterbur. The leader guy then smiled and said "Don't you remember me? Haldir? Your childhood friend?" before I could say anything else, he pulled me into a friendly hug.

"It's good to have you back dear old friend, your mother will be so thrilled to see you." he said, My heart skipped a beat as he said mother. My biological mother? I was closed to tears. I never thought this day would come but I snapped back to reality and realized I was still in this guy named Haldir's arms. I pushed back and said "I don't know you, answer me! How do you know me?"

He sighed and said "1000 years ago you died from the battle of the one ring, 1500 years ago we met with Prince Legolas in Lothlorien. The Lady of light said you would be reborn within years, I didn't know it would be this soon." I burst out laughing and said "So you are telling me that I am immortal? And that I am 1500 years old?"

He nodded as I continued laughing but as I saw the serious look on his face I knew he wasn't joking with me. And with that I fainted right there.

It has only Begun. [Sequel to 'I am no man']Where stories live. Discover now