Saved by golden hair

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        My heart ached as I thought this would be my last moment to live, I will never get to know who I truly love. Was it my knight and shining armor Haldir or my Prince charming Legolas? I knew that when I'm doing my normal stuff I would always say Haldir but in times when I'm in danger, sad or angry my heart will call Legolas like it has a voice of its own.

The Witch King screamed but before I could feel and meet the worse I heard an arrow fly by fast and as I looked up I saw the Witch King stuck to the wooden door with an arrow on his sleeve. I looked up to see my rescuer, Legolas.

He quickly started to slice the ugly creatures that was still there, before the Witch King could pull the arrow out, Legolas quickly carried me bridal style as he looked at me with so much sorrow and love. "You're safe now Anya!" he said, I was started to get annoyed by the name 'Anya' it represented my past not who I am now, but for now I just stood quiet in his arms until we are in a safe place.

The exit door was in view now and we were almost there until someone tripped Legolas making him drop me onto the cold hard floor. I turned my head around to see a Nazgul, not the witch king just a plain old scary nazgul.

"You shall not escape." it hissed at me and Legolas, Legolas looked at me and grabbed my hand and said "Don't worry I shall protect you." He got up and got his daggers out and started sparring with the Nazgul making me jump every time their swords met. I was watching in horror, praying that neither Legolas' daggers would fall to the ground but before my prayer could even be heard, one of Legolas' daggers fell to the floor a few meters away from me.

"Legolas." I choked but the only person who heard it was the Nazgul. He looked at me while he was looming over Legolas who was backed up on the corner floor. "You." it hissed as it came closer to me, the nazgul lifted its sword to end me but before the sword could hit me Legolas went in front of me with his dagger, blocking the deathly hit. He pushed his dagger making the nazgul drop his sword and Legolas kicked the nazgul down to the floor.

I quickly looked for the other dagger, I grabbed it and stood up next to Legolas I was about to plunge the sword into the Nazgul but Legolas put his hand over mine so we could kill the Nazgul together. We both smiled at each other then plunged the sword into the Nazgul making the Nazgul melt and disappear with a big impact making me and Legolas fly back but as we hit the hard wall, Legolas made my back face his chest so I wouldn't get hurt.

I was dizzy but Legolas picked me up but before we could reach the exit door, he looked at me seeing my dress was a mess. He took off his cloak/tunic.

(displayed on the side)

And put it on me covering my half revealing body and torn dress. He smiled at me and then before we could walk out the exit door, three Nazguls appeared in front of us. We were outnumbered well we were outnumbered even if we faced one but we took care of that quickly, but I had used all my strength. Now it was hopeless.

Soon Legolas pulled my hand up some spiraling stairs with the Nazguls on our tails. My heart felt like it was gonna leap out my chest, and my stomach fall out my butt. Being chased by three Nazguls must have been one of the top ten scariest things that could ever happen to you.

Soon we were two floors above the ground. We stopped and ran to a wooden door on the side, as Legolas opened it my heart froze it was a balcony. He quickly closed the door and lock the door. He went to the edge of the balcony, I slowly followed him trying my best not to fall from my dizziness. We both looked down to see Haldir and his men fighting the Orcs that was attacking them.

"HALDIR!" Legolas shouted, getting his attention and as Haldir looked at me my heart skipped a beat. Legolas gestured his hand as if to say 'Wait at the bottom and catch me' my eyes widen and I asked him "I'm gonna jump?" he looked at me with so much concern in his eyes and said "There is no other choice unless we face these Nazguls."

My face fell and I nodded effortlessly. I stood on the railing rock right as the Nazguls were banging on the door and screaming their scary scream. "Don't worry Haldir will catch you, I will be behind you." he said as he looked into my eyes and without thinking, I leaned in and kissed Legolas lightly on the lips. Hoping Haldir did not see that, because I don't want things awkward again on the way home.

I closed my eyes as I jumped and as I fell through the air, I felt at peace but I felt safe once I landed into the awaiting arms of Haldir. He quickly took me to a horse, "What about Legolas?" I asked worriedly, I didn't want Legolas to sacrifice his life just to save me. Haldir looked at me and said "His men will catch him, right now I need to get you to safety." I looked behind to see Legolas jumping off the balcony right as the Nazguls came out, three men caught Legolas and soon was running towards us but Haldir galloped away right as they mounted their horses.

The wind was whipping my hair around my face making it feel cold, I wrapped my hands around Haldir and said "Thank you for saving me." He smiled at me and said "My pleasure Ana! I didn't want to lose you again... especially to Legolas." once he said that my heart was banging really hard on my rib cage somehow making me feel guilty. "You liked me even before?" I asked as I looked deep into his eyes, he was leaning in but before anything could happen the dizziness took over and I blacked out.



I woke up feeling better but still I could feel pain all around my body as if it was lotion spread all over my body made of acid.

"Where am I?" I groaned as I tried to sit up but miserably failed. "You're home in Mirkwood." someone said making me frozen where I am, it can't be! That voice isn't suppose to be here, how? Why? What?

I looked to my side to see someone who I wasn't expecting to see forever,

my foster sister,


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