Ch 26~ Gone

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He grasped onto my neck violently which resulted in my sight blurring over. I struggled to get air, pawing at his chest trying to get him to stop. Right before I was about to black out he let go, taking one huge breath I collapsed to the floor, glaring up at him.

-"You will never learn will you." He growled, while picking me up by my upper arm.

Now we were face level, and his lips were inches from mine. His breathing was erratic and unsteady as he pierced through my gaze.

-"You still want me, I can see it." He purred, a devious smile etched across his face.

He was right. Every fiber in my body was addicted to his touch and everything about him. No matter how long I was gone, it didn't change that. My breathing became disorganized, and my feet nearly collapsed.

He leaned in closer to my lips, but stopped. Was he going to kiss me or kill me? From the unbearable rush I was experiencing, I didn't care. All I needed was his touch on my burning skin, and thats all that was focused in my mind.

-"Do you want me all to yourself pumpkin?" He breathed, dangerous lust dripping off every word.

I gave a small nod as I became lightheaded, ready to collapse into him. Leaning in past my cheek, he whispered into my ear.

-"Then kill your new friend." He whispered, trailing his finger down my spine.

Taking the gun out he placed it in my palm, wrapping my fingers around it.

-"P-please Puddin." I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

She was my best friend and now I had to choose. This is my worst nightmare.

Whisking around to my back, J wrapped his arms around my waist, breathing against my neck.

-"Do it." He moaned, heatedly licking up the side of my neck.

The room was beginning to blur into vibrant flashing colors of reds, pinks, and blues as I pointed the gun at Ivy. My mind was blank, and my body followed J's every word like a puppet.

-"Harley, you're beyond this, snap out of it! You're just doing what he wants." Red screamed, trying to get me unhooked from the trance he had me under.

As she spoke his biting and kissing became more powerful, leaving my knees trembling under me.

-"I'm sorry Red." I stuttered, as I squeezed onto the trigger, resulting in a sudden 'click.'

J began erratically laughing as he took the gun from my grasp. Confusion took over as my vision became clearer, my tears turning to a halt. Ivy was just as shocked, but betrayal and sadness darkened in her eyes.

-"I just wanted to see if you would do it my love, and you did! God, I love you!" He exclaimed, cupping my cheeks in his hands as he heavily kissed me.

My eyes fluttered closed at the immediate contact but my mind was still in crumbles. I couldn't believe what I would've done if there was an actual bullet in that barrel. Ivy would've been dead because of me. I couldn't even look at her after mine and J's lips detached, but she kept her broken gaze on me.

-"Take that red haired plant freak out back and end her." He hissed, pointing his finger towards the door.

My eyes widened in fear as I took in what he just said.

-"N-No J!" Was all I could manage to scream out as I grasped onto his shirt.

His face displayed hard anger as he looked down at me on my knees.

-"What? You want to join her?" He snapped, his grin extinguishing into a blank expression.

-"No! Just let her go! You have me now and I'm here to stay, what more do you want?" I whimpered, grasping even tighter onto his shirt.

That just made his gaze harden and become darker than before. Taking me by one of my messy buns, he roughly pulled me up so I was level to him.

-"You chose a couple seconds ago who you wanted, and you were going to shoot her, weren't you?" He calmy questioned, taking my hair loose so it cascaded past my shoulders.

I shook my head, trying to forget about everything, but his hand tightly stopped my erratic movement.

-"Answer the question." He groaned, looking deep into my eyes.

-"Y-yes." I sobbed, looking down at my feet.

-"You didnt answer it Harley." He lectured, grabbing onto the side of my face harder, making me wince.

-"Y-yes I was going to kill her." I sniffled, switching my gaze over to Ivy, both of J's henchman on either side of her.

My eyes began to blur in tears as I stared at her sad, drunken gaze. What I did broke her, and shattered what we had. 'I'm so sorry' I mouthed to her, but she quickly looked away as she shook her head.

-"You heard what I said boys, take her outside." Mr J asserted, speedily hoisting me over his shoulder as he took me upstairs to our room.

All I could do was bang my fists against his back as I watched Red being pulled out the door through watery eyes.

She was gone.


*Updated a second time today since some of y'all really wanted to know what would happen! (:

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