Zane {Female}

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Y/n is a young woman who has lived on Mystreet for years. She never left her home during the day. She loved being away from people. In High School she was picked on for her natural hair color being an ice blue. Also her eyes were black as night. Which scared everyone, including the friendly face Aphmau. She was one year behind her in school back then.

Eventually one day, she put on  her sunglasses and stuffed her hair into her black beanie. She grabbed her black and white sweater and white jeans. And went for a walk with her favorite song on replay.

She sung along as her walk became a run, to a sprint. She was scared of being attacked so she carried a dagger in her front pocket.

Y/n stopped at a park and quickly turned around and headed home, still listening to her song.

Soon, Y/n realizes the song is about her lost family. While she cried while walking, Y/n bumped into a man with a mask over his face. He looked like a male version of Y/n, with his ice colored eyes and raven black hair.

"Sorry I'll leave now just don't hurt me." with that she bowed and began to speed walk away. Until, an arm turn her around and her beanie was ripped off and sunglasses broken. {Zane you ass.} She stood there while the man held her beanie and her broken shades.

"Why do you look like my lost half sister?" He asked. His voice was deep and with a scary tone.

"I-I'm sorry you l-lost your sister. B-but I can't be her. M-my family was l-lost when I was in middle school." I said as my hand is hovering over the dagger in my pocket.

"Y/N!" I hear a voice call, I soon take my dagger out and slice the man enough to scar him and dash to my home.

~Morning Zane's P.O.V.~ 

My sister returned. I loved her like a girlfriend. I'm aware that's wrong but damn it I love her, alot.

When that girl turn at her name I soon realized it was my love. Now I stand in front of her home. 

I here a girl singing a song I taught my sister when we reached middle school.

Her voice made my heart sink.

I soon open the unlocked door and walk around to find her in the kitchen returning a knife.

Y/n was cooking.

I must of scared her cause she jumped when I said hello.

~Time skip two Months Your P.O.V.~

I've fallen in love with my half brother!

I'm currently in Aphmau's home waiting for everyone to show up for a Sleep over.

I changed into my F/C short shorts and a white tank top.

Everyone arrived at once, we soon sat down in a circle and chatted. Until, "Who wants to play truth or dare?" Katelyn asked.

We all nodded. I move so I'm next to Laurence and Zane. 

Aphmau starts. "Y/n Dare or Truth?"

"Dare. I'm feeling risky." I said with confidence.

"Dare you to kiss your crush. We won't take pictures. Right KC?" she motioned towards a disappointed Kawaii~Chan.

I sit there in shock and disbelief. I grow a pair and kiss Zane long and softly, he kisses back with more emotion. I pull away to see Garroth a little pissed but mostly happy. Vylad is leaning on his boyfriend Dante.

I lookk towards Zane who was blushing and soon enough he kisses me. Until I get a phone call. "One second." I walked out and answered.


"Hi, this is your real father talking. Your mother is killed and I'll be committing. Goodbye my princess." with that the line went dead.

I scream loud and painfully. Zane runs out with his brothers by his side. I manage to sob " my" 

The brothers have different reactions. Garroth falls and cries harder than me. Vylad is crying into Dante's shoulder. And Zane is comforting me. 

I soon get up and run. I run into the home straight to Aphmau's arms. She quickly lets me fall to my knees and continues to hug me while shushing me. 

~Two years later~

Zane and I are dating. Today is our year anniversary. We are planning on tell the neighborhood, but sadly we are scared to cause we are related. I stopped wearing the beanie last month and the shades were lost when I moved into Zane's home.

But right now we are hand in hand walking towards Aphmau's party.

Once at the door he gives me a quick kiss and turns to ring the bell.

Katelyn answers and we sit down on the couch. I cuddle Zane and he cuddles back. The rest of them are confused but shrug it off. Vylad and his husband Dante are in the kitchen, while Garroth and Laurence are in the pool with everyone else.

Zane goes to bathroom and changes to his suit, I do the same afterwards.

I'm wearing a F/C one piece with a white loop on my stomach region. 

"Wow. Your beautiful Y/N. Lets go swim!" he said. He ran down the stairs straight to the pool. 

I can't swim. I never told anyone cause I was scared. So I sit at the edge and put my feet in. Only to be dragged under on the deep side. My Luck.

I began to try to get up, but to no success. My lungs began to burn I scream but nothing is heard. I soon black out as my back hits the floor and began to slowly rise to the top so it can float.

~Zane's P.O.V.~

Y/n was drowning. I soon jump in, grab her and push her to the top. Her swim suit was snagged on a lose nail so her top ripped off but I soon grabbed my towel and covered her up. And began CPR. 

She's breathing, alive. Thank Irene.

~Three years later ~

Y/n and I are pregnant with a child also we are married. 

I gues this is a Happy ending.

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