Not A Home

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We sprinted down the street, our legs pounding against the concrete. I spotted the entrance to the subway up ahead and directed Vinnie and Olivia towards it, signalling with my hands where we should be heading. I was breathing too heavily to say anything. We ran down the steps weaving in and out of people until we were on the platform, the subway was pretty busy so we didn't say anything to each other, we just tried to catch our breath. The train came and we all piled on.

I was worried there might be another one of Dylan's assassins on the Subway but nothing happened and we all left the subway without any incidents. We started briskly walking back to my apartment. I was leading the way and the two were close behind, Olivia managed to walk beside me,

"I can't believe you just killed someone!" She hissed, trying to speaking quietly since we were still in public.

"It had to be done. It was either him or us. You know that."

"Whatever the circumstances you still killed someone!" She whispered again, I didn't want to have this conversation now. I just wanted to be somewhere safe.

"Let's talk about this later, okay? We need to get back to my apartment and off the streets. Just drop it for now." I said. Olivia muttered something under her breath but complied with dropping it until we were off the streets. We walked in silence until we got inside the apartment building,

"I'm so happy to be inside again" Vinnie said and I agreed, I did feel a lot safer now that we weren't out in the open. We walked up the steps until we reached the right floor, as I approached the door to my apartment I noticed that the door wasn't properly closed, it was open a crack. I tried not to think too much of it, my grandad was always doing that.

We walked in and I knew something bad had happened, the place had been trashed. There were pieces of paper scattered everywhere, broken glass, drawers open, the place had been turned upside down.

"Grandma? Grandad?" I yelled out, begging for there to be an answer. But there wasn't. I ran to their bedroom, there was no sign of them. Their bedroom had been ransacked too; I knew it was Dylan's men. Trying to get his briefcase back presumably, I rushed around the apartment trying to find any clues on where they were, I frantically checked the bathroom, my bedroom, everywhere in hope of finding something. Anything.

"Tobiasz" Vinnie called. "You might wanna see this" I turned around to see Vinnie staring at a piece of paper that had been nailed to the wall. I ran up and started reading it.

"Tobiasz Szczepanski,

I'm sorry for having to do this but I have taken your grandparents.

Do not worry, they are safe and will not be harmed as long as you do what I say.

Return the briefcase to me in the next 24 hours or I'm afraid your grandparents will suffer.

Bring it to my office at my offices and give it to me personally. Come alone

I hope you make the right choice.


Robert Dylan"

A wave of despair swept through me. They were gone.

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