After that I hugged him and walked out the door joining the other's who were waiting.


I didn't know you very well Travis.

Which is why you can't die on us. I still need to get to know you, not everyone knows you that well.

I would love to get to know you more dude.

Travis please just don't die.

Y/N needs you.

We all do.

I walk out the door and rejoin the others, most of them we're thinking about what they were gonna say or crying.

(So most people's goodbyes who aren't close to Travis are like that so that would be Zane,Lucinda, Aaron, and Kawaii~Chan. So they will not be getting there seperate goodbyes so I can keep some of my sanity and feels in me.)

A P H M A U A N D KATELYN (They said goodbye together cause Aphmau got too emotional to go inside by herself)(Italics=Aph Bold Italics=Katelyn)

Travis please don't leave us!!

Yeah come on you can't leave without annoying me one more time right?

We both love you like a brother and always will. You need to pull through this.

You are gonna live, cause if you don't I'll kill you.

Aphmau giggles.

We'll be there for you when you wake up.

We promise.

We both walk out and watch as that Reira chick walks in.


I know the last time we talked we were fighting.

I'm sorry.

I never wanted this to happen I never would've done what I did if I knew it was gonna end like this.'

I care about you Travis, why would you do something like this to yourself.

It hurts to look at you like this.

You can't die!

Please just don't die.

Travis I'm always gonna love you.

I know you love Y/N and you need to go for her when you get out of surgery tomorrow.

She needs to know you want her.

I'm always gonna be here to support you and Y/N Travis.

We all made a promise in highschool to care for each other no matter what happened.

I'm planning on keeping that promise.

Our time is over and I'm fully aware of that.

I won't let you build another relationship fully on lies like we did.

Don't you dare die on us and don't you dare try anything that would hurt her.

I look at him one last time then leave the room. Y/N still needs to say goodbye. I can't even look at him in that bed without feeling like I'm going to burst into tears.

Y O U (this will be in normal writing format)

"I wrote you a song Travis.

I've actually written you many songs. But I can't sing them to you right now.

You need to survive this first.

I won't sing unless you survive this.

Ok fine I'll sing a little bit of one song but after I say what I need to say.

Travis you need to live because I can't live without you.

And I can't breath without loving you.

You need to survive surgery because if you don't I'll blame myself and I won't be able to live with myself since I'm sending you to the surgery.

Why did I have to make the hardest decision of my life for you?

Wait I know that answer, its because I love you more than anyone on this fucked up planet.

I guess I'll sing part of that song now."

I take a breath and sing.

"Oh you're in my veins and I cannot get you out.

Oh you're all I taste, at night inside of my mouth.

Oh you run away, cause I am not what you found

Oh you're in my veins and I cannot get you out." (Note, I didn't write it its an actual song XD)

I walk up to his bed and crawl in next to him. I cuddle up next to him and sing a few other verses of the song.

A doctor walks in and says "I'm sorry but we're gonna have to prep him for surgery."

I nod and get off his bed wiping my tears.

I walk out into the hall way and watch the doctor with blondish hair work on Travis and then wheel him out of his room and head down the hallway to the elevator.

I stand there and watch him go into the elevator with tears in my eyes.

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