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pain shot through me, sharp pains that were traveling up my stomach. it woke me up from my very nice sleep with a jolt. it was like a stabbing pain in my stomach, well more of my uterus.

it stopped for a bit and my worried look diminished for a bit. what was that? it was probably the little shit moving around. yet it never felt like that before? weird.

i laid back down in bed, pulling the blankets back up to cover me. lately my house has been cold, reason? because these stupid hot flashes i get every once and a while. and i also love being cold rather than hot.

you can only take off so much, but you can always add more.

it didn't feel like very long until i was jolted awake, this time with a scream coming from me. holy shit it was like one of those knives with one side that had a jagged edge and the other was smooth and as sharp as a fucking razor was stabbing me in the stomach.

i let out a loud groan as i sat up, pressing my body to the headboard behind me. my hand went immediately to my belly and i let out another grain as a milder stab went through my body.

is this what labor felt like? was i going into premature labor?

that made my heart start racing, and seconds after that thought, a huge wave of pain rushed through my whole stomach region. it was horrible, i felt like puking at the same time i was dying.

and the urge to puke came a lot sooner than it seemed. my body ran to the bathroom, despite the stab that went through the right side of my side as i was walking in the door way.

my hands rested on the toilet seat, while i vomited up my whole dinner into the bowl. it kept coming until i was only dry heaving. i moved away from the toilet and took a deep breath.

i hated vomiting and this baby was taking all of it out of me, like shit. honestly, my mom used to tell me that with her family, the second born was the one who caused the worst morning sickness. but this time, it was my first.

another really sharp pain filled my stomach again and i again, took a deep breath and got the strength to push myself up from the floor. i found the sink and washed my mouth out briefly before going back to my bed.

i was tired, this little baby was taking everything, and i mean everything, out of me. when i collapsed into my bed, there was something wet on my sheets.

i jumped up, and with that came another shoot of pain going through me. my mouth dropped open as i held my stomach, backing away towards the door for the light switch.

my hand found it and the lights suddenly illuminated the darkness, killing the 4 in the morning vibe. my eyes opened after they were adjusted and the first thing i saw was a large red stain on my sheets.

that was odd. why would there be... blood? my heart skipped a beat and i slowly looked down at the gray leggings i was wearing. and that were stained red.

"oh my god!" i yelled, feeling another sharp pain in my belly. why the fuck was i bleeding? what the hell was going on?

immediately i walked as quick as i could, without getting nauseous, and grabbed my phone. i knew i should call someone close to me, maybe even nate because this is his child too. but all i typed was 911 and then i nearly screamed into the phone when a lady answered.


i laid in a hospital bed in the maternity ward, a blue gown resting over my naked body. the female doctor had an ultrasound machine out and was running the stick over my swollen belly. we managed to get the bleeding to stop for now at least. i don't know how they controlled it, but before we could do anything more, she had to take a thorough ultrasound for a better picture.

𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕞𝕠ღ // 𝕤𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕝 𝕥𝕠 𝔽𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝔹𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕤 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now