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"you love me?" I gasped, stepping back.

"you love her?" Skeez said from his door beside me.

Sammy smiled and stepped towards me. his hand fell on my cheek but I stepped back and stood behind a still half naked Skeez.

"al I love you! You're the best and most perfect person in my life! I need you! I love you." I just
looked at him with wide eyes.

"Sammy!" I exclaimed, stepping out and going to him. "I have a husband, whom I love very much. he's my perfect person and I'm sorry I can't be yours. you're my friend, and you've been my friend for years. you'll always be my kind loving friend." I gave him a sympathetic look and sighed.

"I love you Sam, but not in that way. my heart, soul and body is devoted to Nate and I won't turn my back on that. I'm sorry Sam." then I stepped back and sighed. Sam looked so sad.

the elevator dinged and Nate stepped out. he looked mad but he ignored Sam. Nate went straight to me and took my face into his. his lips crashed onto mine in a heated fury. he pulled away and smiled.

"I love you." a smile filled my lips too. my hands fell on his wrists and I rubbed my thumbs over his skin.

"I love you too."

"I'm standing right here!" sam yelled. Nate only took a hand and flipped him off.

"take this buddy." he said his way. then he took my hand and walked us to our room, Skeez following.

"about that booze and pot?" he questioned, putting a hand on my ass. my cheeks flushed from the gesture.

so we stayed up all night smoking and drinking.


"oh my god I'm so glad to be home!" I moaned out, tossing my bags onto the floor. nate had to stop by the studio, something about a music emergency.

so here I am, alone after a fantastic vacation.
oh well. my feet kicked off my shoes and I went straight to the kitchen. "I am starving." I mumbled to myself softly, opening the fridge doors.

"oh, so am I." a scream flooded my mouth and I turned to look around, but a body pressed against mine. then the voice registered in my head as Sammy.

"so sweetheart." he said, wrapping his arms way to tight around me. I struggled against him. "what's for dinner?"

"what the fuck, Sam?" I yelled, trying to thrash. I stopped once I felt the cool metal of a sharp knife. my body fell limp in his arms.

"that's right princess." he said softly in my ear, stroking my hair with his cheek. he reeked of alcohol, and a lot of it.  the tip of the knife ran down my cheek and I shuddered. "now, how about you go get into a nice dress and we can sit down for dinner." I nodded my head, looking around for something to use to help me.

my heart was racing and I was shaking. why was he doing this? "come on, now." he pressed the knife into my back and started walking me up to my room. he shoved me inside roughly and then locked the door. he walked to my bed and took a seat, then motioned with his knife towards my closet.

"put on your nicest dress for me, sweetheart." I pushed myself up shakily, my eyes on the knife in his hand.

"Sammy stop this. you don't know what you're doing!" Sammy chucked and shook his head.

"sorry, you're mine now. now put on a dress." he pointed his knife at me again.

"Sammy, please. you don't have to do this. we can talk this out."

"shut up!" he yelled, throwing it at me. I gasped as it barely missed my head. "shut up, shut up, shut up! you're meant for me, al! not Nate! he doesn't deserve you! for fucks sake he's cheated on your at least five times since your marriage!" that made my eyes open.

"no, you're lying." Sammy smiled and shook his head.

"I would never do anything to hurt you. he doesn't deserve a girl like you." was it true? after a second of horror, I realized I could play this off.

"Sammy you're right. you're absolutely right! I love you too!" his eyes filled with hope.

"really?" I nodded my head furiously. he dropped the knife at my feet and he leaned in to kiss me. I let him get close to my lips before I kicked him and bent down, grabbing the knife.

"stop trying to ruin my marriage!" I screamed, holding the knife to my chest. he couldn't hurt me without it.

"I'm telling you the truth Alessandra! open your fucking eyes! he doesn't love you and he sure doesn't care about you." my eyes watered at that.

"stop!" Sammy sighed and stood up.

"I can treat you better! you won't ever hurt again, you won't ever cry because he's stupid enough to think he can't lose you! he's so lucky to have you and he's wasting it. he's ruining it."

my head shook. "get out Sam. you're ruining my marriage and I don't like it." Sammy walked over to me. he was way to close.

"open your eyes!" he yelled. "he's cheating on you! something I wouldn't do!" my head shook again.

I spoke up more prominently. "get out! I won't believe your bullshit!" Sammy sighed and shook his head. he grabbed the knife from my hands and walked to my door. he threw it open and stormed downstairs. I followed to make sure he left.

"promise me, you'll open your eyes to this so called, 'perfect marriage'." then he slammed the door behind him.

that's when my eyes opened and I was still on a plane back to my home. Nate was sleeping beside me and so was Skeez. my heart was racing and sweat was pouring down my forehead.

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