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"baby you can walk okay without your crutches right?" he ran his hands through his hair and adjusted his shirt. he was going to Skeez's house and wanted me to come. but they were throwing a party and Nate was weary on taking me.

I only smiled and stood up, walking over to him with a small limp. "baby I'm fine. I don't have to go. you can go and have fun." he shook his head at that and took my hand in his.

"if I go, then my babygirl goes." I smiled and he kissed me softly. "besides, I want to get high with you." I chuckled and nodded, sitting back on the bed to put my shoes on. halfway through Nate crouched down and helped me.

I didn't want to look fancy, nor did I want to change into a big fancy outfit. so I was in shorts and a tank top, braless and everything. "my wife is going to be the hottest thing there." he kissed my lips and finished putting my vans over my socks.

"yeah, but I'll have the sexiest husband." he stood up and I ran my hands over his chest. I smiled as he helped me stand up and surprised me by grabbing my thighs and hiking me up.

"Nate!" I exclaimed, holding onto him for dear life. my leg is doing better. healing really nicely and it doesn't hurt as much. he placed a few small kisses on my neck and then walked us down to the car. when he came around to sit in the drivers side, I huffed.

"you didn't have to carry me." I crossed my arms and attempted to pout. he only leaned over and tried looking at me. I kept my eyes on the garage door in front of us.

"al." he said once. I didn't budge. "baby." I turned and looked at him through the corner of my eyes. he sighed and used a hand to smoosh my face and turn it to face his. he leaned forward and kissed me even though I couldn't kiss back. 

"I did because I love holding you." then he pecked my lips and let me go. with a smile, I sat back in the seat and let him drive us to his friends house.

even though it was almost eight, and babe said there was going to be a party, there were few cars there. "why are there like no people?" I questioned as we walked. Nate just shrugged and held my hand tighter.

Skeez opened the door and the first thing his eyes went too were my breasts. "holy, when did you get those pierced?" he stared for a second and then smirked.

"I got them on our honeymoon." he nodded and then let us in. I came face to face with the jacks and Madison, there was Swazz and everyone of our friend group. except Sammy.

"oh my god your leg!" Madison gasped, walking over to me. my lord was she fucking gorgeous. please let me have your face.

"yeah I had a little trouble a few weeks ago. Im fine, Madison." she smiled a white smile and then hugged me lightly. "love the piercings." she whispered in my ear. she pulled away with a wink and walked back over to Jack.

I split away to find a beer. my eyes found them, they were cold and in the fridge. my hand grabbed one, turning to head back into the little festive group. they already had brought the pot out.

"whatever happened to Sammys kid?" Swazz said, hooking his phone up to the aux cord. Drake played over the speakers, soft enough to talk but loud enough to sing along.

"his parents took her after the cops arrested him." Nate said, leaning back in the couch. his arm slid over the back of the couch where I was sitting. he had a blunt in between his lips and was lighting it.

"oh. I'm guessing Al delivered and that's how she nearly died." everyone's eyes turned to me. my cheeks flushed red.

"you almost died?" Gilinsky blurted loudly. Madison slapped his shoulder. "I'm sorry, but damn." he shook his head and leaned back in the love seat they were sitting in.

"I got shot twice and was bleeding out on the floor of a 7/11 for thirty minutes." I shrugged and took the blunt from Nates fingers, taking a large puff. the people nodded and looked down at the scars on my thigh.

the conversation turned to regular topics and then it turned to drinking games. "anyone up for spin the bottle?"

me and Madison yelled. "no!" Swazz smiled and looked around.

"how about we play 'most likely'?" we all have Skeez confused looks. he sighed and nodded everyone down into a circle on the floor. I stayed on the couch, letting Nate sit in between my legs. my hands fell on his shoulders while he took my beer.

"should we do alcohol or pot?" we all looked around and shrugged. "pot it is." he leaned forward and pulled a shit ton of joints out of nowhere?

he handed every body one and then sat back down. "it goes like this. someone says a statement along the lines of: who would be most likely to eat chocolate off of Channing tatums chest? and we point to whoever we think would do it. then take a hit for every finger pointing to you." that sounded simple.

"okay let's go!" Nate said happily, putting a hand around my leg. Skeez nodded and cleared this throat.

"who's most likely to get drunk and run naked down the street." my finger shot up towards Gilinsky. a few pointed at me and Nate but the majority of them were on Skeez. "for fucks sake!" he groaned. we laughed and took our designated hits.

"okay," Nate said, his thumb running over my skin. "who's most likely to get too high and get something crazy done or do something crazy." everyone's hands pointed to me.

"is this because of my nipple piercings?" I exclaimed.

in a simultaneous answer, "yes."

𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕞𝕠ღ // 𝕤𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕝 𝕥𝕠 𝔽𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝔹𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕤 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now